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Harvest Time

Dempsy's Mom

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Hi you guys!  Miss you all.  This has been a whirl wind of a harvest and we are so busy my head hurts right along with other parts of my body.  Elsie has been going out with me most days during harvest.  Dempsy gets to go along once in awhile.  He thinks he wants to go, but then he gets nervous and would rather be home.  October 29th is Dempsy's Gotcha Day.  He will have been with me for 7 years!  Love him to pieces! He loves Maggie the calf and visits her every morning after his poo walk with kitty and Elsie.  One of our kids from Arizona had an overwhelming desire to come and help (help?) with harvest.  She knew nothing of the farm, but what do you do but embrace it.  Her and her husband had a great time and it was a successful visit.  Dempsy enjoyed the company - but Elsie kept asking, "When are they leaving mom?"  Mainly because she sat in Elsie's buddy seat in the combine.  "Mom, she is infringing on my domain."  <_<

 I poke on once in  a while to check in on what's up around here, but I rarely get the freedom to enjoy all of your stories - soon I hope.  Half done with corn - only 1500 more acres.  We had a heavy rain yesterday, so today is catch up day.  Hope you all are having a wonderful fall!!




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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I love your farm adventures with all the animals! Specially the farm manager, Dempsey and nurse Elsie. :wub:

You know most of us take our food for granted. Go to the store pick up a loaf of bread, tofu (I love the stuff) and forget how it got there. But you sure bring it home Lori. Long days, fickle weather . THANK YOU for what you do. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Meee too!  I don't share any more, because in some ways, my situation has gotten worse and worse.  Miss Nellie just hopped up next to me.  She's a better part.

She like scritchies.  And she comforts Teddy Bear every day, even as close as he is to the end.

She still has the "well groomed Cairn Terrier" look in spite of my negligence.  Sorry I haven't posted pics or replaced the pics of my three.

I love the adventures on the farm. thank you,  very comforting.  I love you guys.

Proud Mom of two.

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Max and Nelly

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There they are Farm Manager Dempsy and Farm Supervisor Elsie. Farm work certainly isn't a 9 to 5 job. Its a lot of all day work. Thanks for stopping in when you can.

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3 minutes ago, Malcolm's Dad said:

Thanks for stopping in when you can.

Yes, Lori... It's always good to hear from you... And thanks for the pix of Demps and Elsie. As always, it's a treat to see those adorable faces!

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Keep those wheels in the furrows and bless the rain to knock down the dust!  Great time of the year, reaping what you sowed and with great Cairn company to boot!
It's a great time of the year and I hope the prices hold for  your crop.

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The first pic looks like they're both worried about something, "Mom, the GPS is on the fritz and now you've got to drive this thing yourself!"  The second pic looks like Dempsey is then smiling at you, "Just kidding, gotcha!"

Good luck and hang in there!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Great to hear from you Lori!  I can see from the pics you and the pups have been working hard.  Hope you get some dry weather and that last 1500 acres goes quickly!  

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Hey, there you are! I do think about you in the fall when I drive through the country and see all those folks working...thank goodness you have Elsie for company. And happy gotcha to Demps... I know these must be long long days...

Here in town we haven't even had a frost yet!

My fall is way too busy with pottery -- two dining room tables completely covered with pots to label and drop off at retailers who sell them...bisqued pots which I still need to paint and glaze...lots of pots! But I make 80 percent of my income at this time of year...thankfully Oban occasionally goes into a barking frenzy to remind me he needs to go out and I need to stop, take a walk and check on the leaves...dogs keep us real!

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Harvesting here too. But ours are tiny fields - nothing like your huge acreages. Glad you have Elie and Demps to assist, though got to say Demps doesn't look that eager. Clealry Elsie is well used to running a combine!

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On 27/10/2016 at 3:27 PM, Kathryn said:

dogs keep us real!

Love that, Kathryn!

Glad to hear everything is going well on the farm, Lori.  Happy 'Gotcha Day' to you and Dempsey. (October 29th is also Nick and my 'Gotcha Day'. :D:D:D)


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Good luck with the rest of the harvest! So glad you've got such dedicated fuzzy helpers to lend a hand!

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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