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Dempsy's Mom

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Some of you may remember that little calf that this man tried to abort so he could breed the heifers that we sold him to his bull.  The calf was tiny but was born with great spirit.  She is about 5 months now - and a couple of weeks ago Demps, Els and I went to check on the cows in the pasture.  We were driving through the pasture in the gator when I saw this new born calf (or so my first impression was).  It was tiny - thin.  We drove towards it and I noticed her tail missing.  It wasn't until I loaded her up in the gator that we saw the big hole that was gnawed in her behind and it wasn't till we got her to the shop when we saw the horrible maggots.  Hundreds of them.  Sorry for being so graphic, but it about made you throw up.  We rinsed and rinsed.  Went to the vets and got a bunch of stuff to help heal it.  The vets would not sew it shut.  It was such a big hole  - I thought how could this ever heal.  But it did.  It is amazing how it has scabbed over.  Yes, I couldn't help but name her Maggie. :) Dempsy and Elsie go out every morning with me and we give her a bottle.  She gets 3 a day.  Yesterday we brought mom home and put her in the barn with Maggie.  It is a slow process to get mom to take Maggie, but I think it will work.  We still feed Maggie a bottle a day and work with mom in the stanchions to get her to let Maggie suck.  We have 5 more moms to calve out this fall.



Edited by bradl
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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Looks like Demps was trying to teach that little calf how to eat grass?  "Look, little guy, this stuff growing out of the ground is what cows eat.  Here - I'll show you how to eat it..."

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yikes, lost tail, must have been one traumatic event. the healing of gaping wounds is amazing. we recently had a horse who gored her neck with a bit of broken fencing (that is, she ran into it, broke it, and the jagged end slammed into her neck). barely missed the jugular. the tear was probably six inches long, and cut through every layer of hide, skin and muscle. you could fit a softball into it. the vet stitched it up but the horse tore the stitches out, so vet said, right, we will leave it open. we were appalled. she said, it will close itself up as it heals. we couldn't imagine that, it was hanging open like a mail bag. but it happened (slowly). it just gradually closed up from the ends in. now, about three months later, it is completely closed and she has a rather delicate scar, looks a bit like some fancy stitches. but all nature's stitches. she recently slammed her head against a post and has a big scrape between her eyes...

Edited by pkcrossley
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Poor wee thing...maggots are such disgusting things! But it is amazing how with proper care some of these catastrophic injuries heal. As PK, I have witnessed injuries, mostly with horses, that make you wonder if they will ever recover. I see the farm manager with help from nurse Elsie, is keeping a close eye on the youngster. You are amazing Lori, such a caring farmeress (is that a word....if not I think it should be. :lol:)

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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It is so amazing how deep wounds heal.  Maggie's hole is completely scarred over and level now with her other skin.  Now I wonder if hair will fill in?  Maggie has cheated death twice now - she has amazing spirit. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Idaho Cairns

I enjoyed the video--notice Demps is grazing on whatever select grass Cairns seem to like--I wish I could figure it out, our dogs do the same thing, spend long minutes trying to find a certain variety and then eat it with gusto.

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