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Quite the scare!


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Oban came back from his walk with Steve tonight fussing at his foot.  Steve mentioned he had made a "clicking" sound while on the walk.  I picked the little guy up to check him out and found, on his left rear foot, that his largest foot pad looked wrong. It was a light tan color and completely hard. His other foot looked normal, with a dark-black pad, much softer. You can imagine my panic for a moment.  He was fussing at me and didn't want me playing with his paw.  I felt around anyway to figure out what was wrong and -- lo and behold! - something popped off and fell to the floor.  It was part of an acorn -- not the shell, but the top part of the actual nut -- and it had wedged its way onto his pad so completely it was hard to get it off.  

We have oaks along the street just a block away, and I suspect he stepped on the shell there. It fit perfectly and only with my manipulation did it come off at all.  Never imagined!

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Oh my goodness. With Addie's foot pads just healing, reading this made my heart race. So glad that it came out easily and presumably didn't do any damage. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Glad you got it off his paw before it cut him.  Luckily, Lola has the most unladylike habit of sprawling on her back and spreading her legs for tummy tickles, so it's the perfect time for foot inspection. Last week she had a tiny stone between her pads. This was strange as when we had the garden rocked, I specifically chose larger rocks so that they couldn't get caught in between her pads. If there is something to be found, they'll find it! <_<  Glad you got it off easily. I imagine with the 'clicking' that Oban sounded like he was wearing high heels! :D


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We have a lot of spruce and pines in our yard, and when it gets really warm, the sap leaks all over the ground , which Rosie the picks up on and in between her pads and hair. It's a nightmare to remove. 

I think Oban has just invented an "Acorn pine sap stopper". mmmmm, Oban, you just might be into something that could buy a lot of treats for you! :king:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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Good that you found the culprit and managed to remove it.  

Buffy tends to get things stuck between her paw pads too - bits of acorn shells, pebbles, pine needles . . . you name it.  I have gotten into the habit of checking her pads for foreign objects several times a day.

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I was thinking high heels too!  And  new dance. I hear Angus's feet pounding on the floor when he runs even without clicker. So with a "oak clicker" added and a few twirls - wow the cairn click is invented. Glad all turned out well for Oban and we can have a laugh about it!

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