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Gus has a new feline BFF. Amazing watching our pets!


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Idaho Cairns

I agree, it is a wonderful story with a happy ending to boot!  That cat is beautiful!  The full frontal picture looks unreal, I couldn't stop staring at it--mesmerized by the eyes and that coloration. 

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What a lovely story and how wonderful it is that Gus has a best buddy again. 

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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I'm seriously computer challenged and it seems a thread I thought I was posting in "Cairn Life" ended up here :oops:. Possibly  Brad or someone can shift it over to where it belongs, sorry!


Gus was stripped a couple weeks ago although it sure doesn't look like it, he looks pretty awful in that picture and it's kinda embarrassing. Oh well, Pugsley doesn't seem to care LOL.

Have you hugged your Cairn today?

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I remember well the video you posted of Gus and Merlin playing with each other. Sorry to hear you lost him - he was a lovely little cat. But glad Gus -- and you! -- have a new pal. Love his gold eyes!

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Kathryn the flash on the camera kind of changed the color, actually his eyes are light green but they certainly look gold in the picture. I'm glad you remember the videos, I use to sit in the kennel and watch those two play for hours.

Again this morning Pugsley jumped out of the bathroom as Gus walked down the hallway, he landed on Gus's back then the chase was on. Great exercise for Gus and Pugs both. I'm still really curious as to why both American Shorthair's we've had have had this deep attraction to Gus? The attraction and attachment are reciprocal though cause of all our cats Gus has only related to Merlin and now Pugsley, the others he completely ignores.  What a gift are pets are, our whole life is wrapped up in cats and Cairns and we wouldn't have it any other way!

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Have you hugged your Cairn today?

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