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more storage?

Dempsy's Mom

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Hi Brad!  I was trying to upload a video but it says it can't be bigger than 9.77 mb.  Is there a way to increase my mb so I an upload this video?  Don't know much about this stuff. Thanks. 

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Are you open to using youtube to store your videos?

For a variety of technical, performance, accessibility, and financial reasons youtube is by far the best way to store and display videos in the forum. The cost to you is zero and all you do is paste the URL from your video on youtube into your post and *poof* it's embedded in a way that virtually everyone regardless of PC/Mac or phone flavor can view it. 

There are a number of free phone apps that make it pretty easy to upload video directly from your phone to your youtube account. 

The total amount of forum storage available to each person is set by the group they're in and you're already in the subscriber group which has the highest limits.  The per-group limits are set so that I don't run over our total board limit any time soon and hit our hosting limit. I learned the hard way on another site that the site locks up and becomes inaccessible if the total storage exceeds the limit. Bumping up to the next plan with increased storage costs $45/month instead of the $30/month I pay now.  A small amount in the scheme of things but one that would hurt given circumstances.

The last reason I'm hesitant to bump video upload limits is because it wouldn't change the total per-user limit, meaning that if you "spend" all your storage on video it leaves less for photos. On average folks post a lot more photos than video. And to be honest youtube (or vimeo) are built from the ground up to do video well.

If you hit a brick wall with youtube, post again and we'll see if we can step through the process based on your toolset.

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thank you.  I am on a Mac and photos doesn't give the option of YouTube.  I see you save it to desktop and then go from there.  

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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  • 5 weeks later...

Here is a how to video on how to upload and manage a video via youtube. Once you have accomplished the task of uploading go to your video as shown in the how to video and copy the url from that page into your CairnTalk post/thread and it automatically appears in your post.


Edited by remltr
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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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