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Sleeping under the couch

Malcolm's Dad

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The last month Malcolm has been sleeping under the couch. Can't find him in the house so I end up looking under the couch. When I first brought him home he preferred to sleep in the laundry basket. Then I got dog beds. His favorite is the one under the kitchen table that is where the food drops. I wonder if under the couch simulates a cave? Cairns like chasing things underground but there is nothing under the couch. Does anyone else have a Cairn that likes to go under the furniture? Right now he is taking his afternoon nap under the couch.

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Our Bonnie has been addicted to a spot behind our couch for years--she takes refuge back there, takes her favorite toys back there, and defends it against any trespasser.  It is her refuge spot and she spends a lot of time resting in the spot.  Sammi often likes to sleep under the bed or, worse, under the reclining parts of the sofa--we once had a situation where Bonnie was "missing" for a number of hours and we discovered that she had gone under the recliner which was closed by whomever was sitting there, trapping her in the mechanism of the thing--for whatever reason, she remained silent until someone thought to raise the darned thing.
Our Cairns seem to regularly enjoy tight spots where they can be alone--Bonnie especially so.

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Buffy sometimes seems to enjoy being under things too.  Lately she has been spending time under my desk.  I guess covered spots seem safer to Cairns?  Our couch is too low for her to get under it.  

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Oban has several "dens" around the house: in the corner between kitchen cabinet and buffet,  behind the living room couch, under the morris chair in the man cave. He chooses his spot based on the room we are in - he wants to be "with us." In the summer he will sleep under the bed - probably the coolest place given the air conditioning vents,  but will cuddle a little before hopping down. Once it gets cool though, he wants to be under the covers next to me. And generally if I am on the couch, he is on the couch...

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Mine like to take contraband under the beds.  But to hang out and sleep...they like to hide under the sideboard (Yes..that one Brad :))  

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Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Lola also likes to go under the reclining parts of the sofa. Luckily, she only goes part way in, but Nick and I always have to ask each other if she is under us before we close the recliner. :o  She also likes to camp out under each of our desks (Nick's more so than mine, because it's bigger.)

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Dempsy likes to be under the chairs, under the bed and behind the couch.  Elsie likes under the chair in the TV room best.  They do like their dens. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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44 minutes ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

Dempsy likes to be under the chairs, under the bed and behind the couch.  Elsie likes under the chair in the TV room best.  They do like their dens. 

Ditto for Ruffy. PrIor to moving in here a few years ago I made numerous trips while the apartment was empty, to do measurements, etc. After inspecting every inch of the the premises, Ruffy decided that the open doors in the base cabinets in the kitchen would become his own private condo apartment and it took me a few times to find him when it was time for us to leave. It was a sad day for Ruffy when I moved in and took possession of the cabinets...He lost his secret hiding place!?

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This summer is the first time Angus has laid under the sofa. I guess because it might have been a fraction cooler than the rest of the house - so very humid and hot which is usual for us here in the mountains. Normally the only time he goes under is to retrieve a ball.

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One of Tanner's most favorite night-time spots is a dining room chair.  The first time he was there, I was looking all over for him & starting to wonder if he had somehow gotten out of the house (because, of course, he wasn't responding to me calling him....:P).  Now that I know where he's at, it's not a big deal.  He typically goes there every single night, about 45m-1h prior to bedtime, then he comes down & gets in bed with me.  I tell him  he is not a cat.  He doesn't seem concerned about the comparison.  ;)

Becky & Tanner
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Well we humans always have to pay with the guilt heaped on us by our Cairns.  Ever the drama queen, Bonnie was back in "her spot" sans the table, the basket, and toys, even before the carpet was dry!  Here she was in silent protest over the violation of her privacy.  This was not posed--the minute we allowed the dogs back into the living room, she pulled this act!  If it weren't so darned typical of her "I'm so offended!" personality I would lose my patience--but we just can't with her!

bonnie and her spot.JPG

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Kelly can't fit under our couch. She hung out there when she was a young pup, but at about 6 months old had to find a new place.

That new place is my recliner. She also likes under the bed.

Her favorite toy has always and I'm sure forever will be her little ball. She has collected several through the years. She rolls them under the couch (where prissy can't get them) when she's done playing. When she wants to play with one she scratches on the base of the couch and the floor to tell us to, "Please get her ball". The scratching on the couch gets more furious if we don't comply. haha

When she is done she rolls it back under the couch. These little dogs are so funny, and so smart.

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Packy loved to be under the bed.  Kirby seems to prefer a position where he can always be on the lookout, back of the couch, up on a chair, etc.

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Keira sleeps under our bed. I really don't want her there, but that is her chosen place.We had a friend whose dog died in  a fire, from smoke,  she got under the desk in the den and the firemen were not aware that she was there.

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