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Solve this Toto adventure


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11:27?, but I enjoyed it?!

(Beautiful picture)! Does anyone know the significance of the two birds in the background? One is a toucan and the other might be an egret? Or stork?

Edited by sanford
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I got about half and then I gave up. :(  Not enough time ... getting ready for harvest is puzzling enough.  Heads are on the combines.  Grain cart is hooked up.  This year we put i-pads in both combines to track our harvest.  This technology is driving me crazy .... er.  Probably try some beans today.  Once we roll it will be steady for about 2 months - unless it rains.  Elsie is excited and Dempsy is not looking forward to the long days alone. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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1 hour ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

I got about half and then I gave up. :(  Not enough time ... getting ready for harvest is puzzling enough.  Heads are on the combines.  Grain cart is hooked up.  This year we put i-pads in both combines to track our harvest.  This technology is driving me crazy .... er.  Probably try some beans today.  Once we roll it will be steady for about 2 months - unless it rains.  Elsie is excited and Dempsy is not looking forward to the long days alone. 

That time again already?  We'll miss you around here.  Ask Farm Manager Dempsy to stop in and update us on the harvest when he gets the chance.:)

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That's what I said - "Where did the summer go?"  This morning it is raining :) that means a day free yet and probably tomorrow.  That's so nice because I have a lot of paperwork and house preparing to do.  Jim's son is coming to help next week and then his daughter and husband (who know nothing of farming) thinks that they need to come help.  help?  She is looking for a memory with her father so we will bite the bullet and make a memory. (I hope it will be a good one.)  So Dempsy will have a lot of traffic in and out of the house.  Elsie will be in the combine or grain cart with me and she loves it.  I am sure there will be a story somewhere along the line that I will want to share. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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