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Lady in red..I think

Sam I Am

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Waiting patiently for Rosie's red Julius harness to arrive. I hope she will take to it because paying $60+ and her refusing to walk in it will really tick me off.  Like our previous Scottie, Sandie, Rosie can be very quirky as to what she deems is an acceptable device to walk her in. I remember with Sandie, who always would only walk in a collar, rolled over like a log on the sidewalk and refused to move an inch when placed in a harness. Rosie also can just put that square butt firmly on the ground when put in certain "items of humiliation and torture" and just plainly refuses to budge. Coats are an absolute no no...even the lovely red plaid one I bought all  the way from her home Country! That's a Scottie for you!  Stubborn can be their second name.:whistle: 

Edited by Terrier lover
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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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As a gal with a closet full of unworn clothing, I feel yours (and Rosie's) pain.  Sometimes us gals just won't step out on the town in something that is not quite right - no matter what the cost. :D

(I hope she likes it! :))



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I hope Rosie enjoys her new harness. Rylee does the same thing he will wear a harness all day long but hates a collar. i am just now getting him to walk on a leash at all but he has made a drastic improvement from when I first got him.

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Good luck introducing Rosie's new look. :)  I know your excited.  I would love to see Rosie's first expression when you so excitedly unwrap the  Julius. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Pepper is only good in her harness after she has run herself ragged at the dog park.  She is a puller and just will not give up!


Pepper's Mom

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Ok...so it turns out to be Lady in Green. Which is fine also. The pictures tell the story.<_< although I have told Madame that if someone had bought me a $60 gift I would be very happy. We haven't taken her for a walk as yet, so tomorrow will be the test. It fits great!




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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Wow Rosie! I would be excited if someone bought me a $60 gift. I will have to say though I don't like to be constrained. You are very beautiful, and will make that harness look great! :lol:

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Haha!  Love the way she looks like she is 'hiding' from the harness in the 2nd pic. :D  Good luck today! :)



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The maiden  voyage was a success...well almost a no go at the start. Bum down, brakes on.:lol: a few encouraging words, a treat and away she went. All fine. She has trained us well.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I too love the pic of Rosie peeking around the corner thinking of how she can get out of the house and on her walk without that horrible green bodice wrapped around her. :P  ... as you grow older Rosie you may appreciate a little help in the support area.   

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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When I tidy her up, and clip her face, the ears look way bigger. Lol . Scotties tend to be a lot more serious then Cairns, although when she gets goofy, there is no holding her back.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Rosie has always reminded me of Gretchen, the Scottie who lived a few doors away when I lived in Alabama.  There, several dogs would walk around, unleashed. (We lived on a very quite cul-de-sac.)  Gretchen would come toddling down the street, looking for my Mandy. Unfortunately for Gretchen, Mandy didn't play with other dogs. (It seemed she didn't know how and we didn't get her until she was about 5-6 years old.) Gretchen always looked so hopeful, serious, yet ready to play and I felt so badly that Mandy wasn't interested. I always pet Gretchen and talked to her and let her cool off on our tile porch while Mandy would just look at her. :D


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