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Nelly and Teddy


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Nelly and Ted are becoming close; each one knows who the other is.  For Nelly (since she's the new one in), she is getting how she has a choice where to hang out...watching stuff  out of the front door where the world goes by, watching stuff out of the back door where stuff goes by, and total control where she gets to go out into the back yard, sniff and hunt.  I'm fairly sure our back yard has been populated by numerous chipmunks, squirrels, lizards for a long time.  Now they have someone to give them their due.  Oh, and Teddy thinks that's a fine idea as well. Life is good.

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Max and Nelly

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That's great news, Tara.  Nelly's making herself right at home, isn't she?  It's especially good that she and Teddy are getting along and settling in together.  Well done! 

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That's great to hear, Tara. I'm glad Nelly is fitting right in with the family and that Teddy is enjoying her company as well! :)


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