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Am I a cairn?


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Hello, all! My family and I adopted this little dog from the local shelter earlier this week. The shelter said she's a year-old cairn terrier, but I'm not sure they're correct. She weighs 9.8 lbs. Her hair is  coarse on top. 


Do you see cairn in her? Other breeds? I would appreciate any guesses! 


Thanks so much, and it's nice to meet you!



Edited by TikiBird
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She certainly looks like a terrier, but she is not a Cairn. Yorki  / jack Russell cross? She sure is a sweetheart! 

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She looks like my Sybil...They could be sisters....We think she is a yorkie, jack russeell cross with a pinch of Cairn for for a little stubbornness..:D


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i'm terrible at this, but it is irresistible. certainly a terrier. 9.8 lbs at a year old would be real small for a cairn. the colors do suggest jack russell, but even there you probably need something smaller. the first picture looks quite cairny. i would suggest 1/4 cairn (set of the haunches also looks rather cairny, but dainty front feet don't look at all like a cairn), 1/4 something like chihuahua or yorkie for size (the set of the eyes and nose look vaguely chihuahua), with a quarter JRT for coat and additional terrier injection. good dog. 

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There's something a bit cairnish about the hairs on her head and ear set maybe but I think sh is too small and delicate to be a true cairn. Yorkie + jack russel is my guess. But whatever she is she is adorable and you are fortunate to have found each other. Cuddle and enjoy!






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Thank you so much for all of your guesses!! It is much appreciated! No matter what she actually is, she is sure a sweetie. Thank you!! ❤️??

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I'm lousy at guessing these things but she certainly looks like she has a healthy dose of terrier in her.  Very pretty girl.  Thank you for adopting this little sweetheart!

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The wispy ears look Cairn, she sure is a cutie.  You can get her tested for heritage breeds for I think under $100.00 if you are curious enough 

Edited by Toby23
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When I was young I had a small dog who was a chihuahua- dachshund-poodle cross. Weighed in at 10 pounds and looked almost exactly like her, down to the gold head and white back.

I will try to pull out and scan a photo - if I can find it!

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Agree with most of the above guesses. Especially agree with the fact that she's adorable! It looks like you have a real sweetheart to spoil and love!??

Edited by sanford
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With those ears, I think it's possible her grandmother might have had a fling with a Cairn, but I'm guessing there's something more too.  She's a scruffy beauty!

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A fling with a cairn, ha! 

Thanks so much for the good wishes, all! I think I might ask for a genetic test for her for my birthday present coming up, just to satisfy my curiosity! (I used to want jewelry from my husband...now I want a doggie DNA test. LOL) 


Thanks again for the warm welcome. Hopefully there's some cairn in her so I can officially stick around here! :D

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1 hour ago, TikiBird said:

Thanks again for the warm welcome. Hopefully there's some cairn in her so I can officially stick around here! :D

No worries - We gladly welcome Cairn-ISH dogs and their parents too!:D

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On August 16, 2016 at 10:55 AM, hheldorfer said:

No worries - We gladly welcome Cairn-ISH dogs and their parents too!:D

Hahaha! ? Thanks! ?

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  • 1 month later...

For everyone who was playing along, I finally got the doggie DNA results! Here's what they said....




Thanks so much for the good guesses, all! You were right--some terrier mix, chihuahua, and poodle!

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Well that sure is a mix lol. Feel free to hang around the forum. There is the Dog Park section with the Non-Cairn Pals section. Let us know how she runs your family. There still might be a little Cairn in that Mixed Breed Group.

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