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OK secret nickname time - give it up


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This is the sweet little nothing that you whisper to your fuzzy buddy when you are alone so no one else will hear. I'll go first.

Cutie Pootie Sassy Tootie.

I'll be back, I have more.

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Well Jock was, Spud, Jockster, Jockeronee, . Rosie's names, Roser, Rudi-roo, Rudi. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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There's an endless list - Tanner answers to buddy, lovey, sugar plum, monkey, goof ball, sweet boy, silly goose...it just goes on & on...  :D

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Becky & Tanner
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Packy is Bud, Kirby is Buddy.  Also:

Packy - Packrat, Packer, Pack, Packett

Kirby - Kirb, Kirbster, Kirby-Q, Kirbett

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Sooooooo many....Gustopher, Gus Gustofferson, Gusballs....

.....baby boy, boo, buddy, doggiewog......

We are crazy, right? But crazy in a good way!

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Busy day so I haven't had a chance to check your responses until now. Great stuff.

I have a couple more:

Goofy Woofy

Speedy (not really - single speed unless treats are involved)


Cutiess Patutiess

Sweety Pawteety


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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Lola - Lollie, Lolz, Lola Pola, Stinky, Baby Puppy, Monkey, Puppyhead, Babykins, Baby Girl, L-O-L-A (Like the Kinks' song)

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Addie's full name is Addie Tahrir (Arabic for freedom/liberation).

Her many nicknames include:

Addison. Addie T. Additude. AddieLynn. Addiline. Sweet Addiline (to the tune of Sweet Caroline). Ads. Addison Tahrir. Bear. Baby Bear. Honey Bear. Angel. Sweet angel. Little angel. Sweet Girl. Sweet. Little Girl. Baby Girl. Addie T with the Attitude. Papadumb (I think she's missing out with her distaste for Indian cracker-like papadums). As a puppy I used to call her Thwarted Ambition as she was always trying to escape. And occasionally she gets called certain curse words in a very kind and happy voice when she's driving me nuts but I don't want to yell at her.

Her grandpa calls her Brown Dog. 

I forgot. I also call her Daughter. Cause she's my first born, even if she's a different species. 

Edited by _whits_
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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Well Whitney I think you win the prize for the most amount of loving endearments!:P

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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5 minutes ago, Terrier lover said:

Well Whitney I think you win the prize for the most amount of loving endearments!:P

It helps that she responds to or ignores pretty much anything I call her. She has selective hearing and a very strong will. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Gassy Sassy (just because it rhymes)

Psycher (when it is time to go for a walk Sassy will sometimes head in the opposite direction of the door, stop, play bow, turn her head one direction then another, then take off for the door.)


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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Maisie is Miss Maisie, monkey girl, freshie girl, and so many more that I can't think of at the moment.  All our cute little endearments that we have for our beloved Cairns are great!

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Jax is : Jax puppy, Jax a roo, Jaxie girl, and my pretty puppy which I whisper to her only when I'm brushing her each night.

Still working on ones for Finn although we call him Finny most of the time.

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Betsy is Stinker, Stinky-Butt, Stinkbug, Lovebug, Booger, Goober, Baby Girl (and many other normally-human terms of endearment), Doggage, Puppy-Butt, Smelly Belly, Goofball, etc.

I'm honestly surprised she knows her real name...

Edited by parmelbe
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  • 1 month later...

Bud had a lot of aliases. Mostly I just called him "son." But some of the others were:

Scottish King

Biggie McHuge

Biff Boofington

Sir Shnitzleboof

Joe Shnouterman

Urfer deShnerblitz


and very frequently just "Sir" which he liked. 

I wish he were still here to answer my call. ❤️



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I originally named him Rob for the  Scottish folk hero Rob Roy. That became Robby and Robert. He is also called Bob Barker ,Little big Mouth and when it rains he is the Mighty Dog of Thunder. 

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We have been planning on nicknames for Christmas for Molly. Of course they will have to be put into songs. 

We have a 'Holly Jolly Molly' for the best time of the year. She'll be one and just you know it will bring us lots of cheer. Oh ho the Molly goes chasing all the squirrels oh it will go until she digs up nuts. Such a folly jolly Molly this year. ?

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