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I took Maisie out for a walk this morning, It's such a nice day too, it's been raining the last 2 days.    It's trash pick-up day on my street today and it's both the trash and recycle barrels that go out, so as we're walking both trucks come screeching around the corner and Maisie begins getting nervous, and the closer they get, the more Maisie freaks out.  I've never seen her act like this before but I've also never had the pleasure of running into them both at the same time.  The arms coming out to pick up the barrels is what scares her; although the noise that sounds like steam coming out of an iron but louder, can be pretty scary to a little dog.  It took me a good while to get her calmed down but when she finally did, she made it a point to go over, sniff the crap that sometimes falls out on the street and then proceed to roll in it..:cry:

So I've been spending a good portion of this beautiful morning giving Maisie a bath...:(   Just when I think Maisie's getting more mature, I get a reality check..  Although at her age of 3, I see her growing everyday and as I watch her grow, I see her becoming a much more sensitive and trusting dog and sometimes she even listens.  She's still a Cairn though so I really don't know what could be waiting for me just around the corner.

Edited by LindaMC
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The scenario you described can be very scary/intimidating, especially when you don't know what machinery or loud vehicle can be coming around the next corner.

Living in the middle of a noisy city as I do, I'm in an identical situation, only more so. Lurking around the many corners we encounter during a routine walk can be jackhammers, motorcycles, ambulances, garbage trucks, etc. etc. Admittedly, one thing in Ruffy's favor is that he's the calmest, unflappable dog one can imagine. Nevertheless, on his behalf I've been able to train myself to anticipate (when possible) what might be around the next corner, or down the street. It's become a habit to walk him along the building line, with my body acting as a sort of buffer between him and the street. It's not perfect, but it does help.

Although my tactic might not be directly applicable to yours, the premise of being alert to possibilities is the same. (Writing this brought back the memory of my dad teaching me to drive... You must keep your eyes and attention on the road ahead, to anticipate in advance what might be coming up... Or coming around the next corner).

P.S. Just to explain that our life is not as stress-filled as it might seem... A walk of  noisy 2-5 blocks brings us to a choice of 3 tree-filled, quiet and peaceful parks, (including Central Park) in my area, one of which has an off-leash dog run as well.

Edited by sanford
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Angus was very afraid of motorcycles and big trucks with their air brakes when he was young. I worked on this by taking him into town sitting on a seat watching traffic go by. I walked where I knew trucks would come first at a distance and then gradually nearer. As time went on he got used to them - longer for motorcycles as not seen so often.

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Loki has no hesitation with garbage trucks, motorcycles, and most other motor vehicles- they all get barked at, sometimes with a bonus lunge.  He has, however, in the last few months developed a strong fear of the newspaper delivery car that comes through the neighborhoods we walk in the morning.  As soon as he sees it or hears the papers hitting the ground he turns around and wants to go home.

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Who rescued whom?

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