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I wish I could take pics as good as this but my pocket camera is not up to it. This is a neighbor's shot. Now in mid summer the fawns are growing. Most of our white tail deer have twins. Angus and I see them on our walks. He knows he hasn't a chance but he still makes a token chase. When they come through our yard, often in the dusk of evening, he stands on the deck and tells them to leave. They do leave but not in a hurry. I see them look over at him like they have seen him before and know he won't be chasing them.

deer twins.jpg

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I miss the deer on my parents' property. When I was about 11 or so a herd passed through our backyard and a few babies sat down and fell asleep. The parents forced them awake and ran off at every single little sound we made (turning on the taps, walking down the stairs) even though it was on 2 acres. So me, being the animal-loving vegetarian, enforced a rule of complete silence while the deer were there (we even took the dog to my dad's vet clinic!). 

20 years later we get a visit of mommas and babies every year who spend about a week resting and frolicking and rubbing their backs on our trees and eating whatever they can find in the yards. Now, they're bold enough that they sleep under our shade trees in the grassy front yard, and cool down literally leaning against our back door. We could bang pots and pans and they don't even lift their head. 

There are hunters a few miles over who try to break the rules every year and hunt them in housing developments. So it's nice that they have a safe haven on my parents' property.

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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From a couple years back.



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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Great picture!  Strangely, we get more deer at the lake than we do at the farm.  The deer at the lake are so tame that they do not run when you drive by and if we're out walking the dogs, they just stand there in the woods watching us.  We get deer coming down to our beach daily to drink from the lake and when the apricots start falling, they're there chowing down even more.  Kirby sits on the back of the couch and watches them, and he always lets us know when they're around.  Sometimes they come to the back of the house and literally look in the window!  That really gets the dogs going!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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The young bucks - once they get kicked out of the herd - tend to follow a few hours or days behind when the herd comes through with new babies, depending on how fast the herd is moving through. This handsome young man looked sad and pathetically lonely for days on the property. About a week later he popped by with three young ladies, looking very proud of himself. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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