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Kelly and the Fireworks

Lynn in TN

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For those of you with Cairns that are quiet during fireworks, I wanted you to see what you were missing. :P  Keep in mind this is an hour after they started and Kelly is starting to get tired. (that was on purpose for your benefit) Prissy went to bed 30 minutes ago. You wouldn't have known she was there anyway, fireworks is one of the few things Prissy doesn't bark at.



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Kelly did a good job of barking away those fireworks. Even though it is tough work Cairns are up to the hard jobs.

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I wonder if they make ear plugs for dogs because they do for horses. It can get awfully loud at a horse, bands playing, huge crowds cheering, tractors, ..etc. https://www.smartpakequine.com/pt/pomms-premium-equine-ear-plugs-7741

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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If they do make earplugs for dogs, I hope I can get some tuned to Dundee's frequency. That boy can put out some noise. Oh. Never mind.

The goggles for dogs seem to work pretty good. I'm trying hard to imagine how to keep hearing protectors on a Cairn's head ?

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It's not only the intense barking required, it's the constant patrol that makes this job challenging. I had to patrol three sets of windows in two different rooms.

You did great Kelly. Plenty of movement and great sound----Angus

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That is awesome Lynn, but how many of us have a Cairn that would keep them on? LOL 

I can see Kelly rubbing her head against the furniture and walls, and using her paws to get them off. Lol

Honestly though, I am blessed that Kelly doesn't do this in the house very much. She does however beg and whine, trying to get me to take her outside where the action is. She is so cute.

Prissy is very cute too, but at night she is funny. It doesn't matter what's going on at 9:30pm she's off to bed. I can see it now, a burglar breaks in at 9:27pm she's barking and attacking him, at 9:30pm she says excuse me but it's bedtime, then she's off to bed. It wouldn't surprise me one bit either. haha

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Just like Pepper!!! She was going to "get those fireworks" if it killed her!  Not one bit afraid of them!!!  However, when she saw a new red Kong on the floor yesterday, she froze, growled and crept toward it! 

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Pepper's Mom

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