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Sam I Am

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So here I am again. For those of you who don't know, I responded to a very brutish poster, by speaking out against her posts. I was polite,  didn't use foul language,  I am pretty sure of that, and yes I do have opinions, which in your US constitution  allows (as pointed out by another poster) which obviously do not apply on this forum,  was told I could not post anything till this afternoon by a notice that flashed onto my screen . I have never in these 64yrs of living have been put on time out. I don't know whether to be insulted or laugh. 

 I am sad to say that one of my favorite posters, Autumn has permanently left this forum. Her humour, her courage at facing her own life health issues and the loss of her beloved Molly (which she shared with us) and her great energy that contributed to this forum will no longer grace this forum.  With pretty much the same reason that I choose  also to deactivate my participation in this forum. It makes me very sad , because we have shared so many experiences good and bad, for me it was the tremendous support I got with Jock's cancer and  then his death. Then seeing and hopefully helping support those that also lost or are losing their own dogs. Sharing tips, recipes and such.

So with those final few words I wish you all good health, good cheer . May all your Cairns and Cairn friends live a good heathy life.

Lynn, Rosie and Jock (somewhere I am sure Jock is listening)  

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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 Terrier Lover, I am sorry to hear you and Autumn have left the forum, I hope in time you will reconsider and rejoin. Be safe and well.


Edited by moggie
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I'm very sad to see you go, Lynn.  I'll miss seeing Rosie's "serious Scottie" face and your entertaining posts.  Be well and happy.



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I'm heartbroken at the damage one angry person was able to due to this wonderful place in a matter of days.

Lynn and Autumn, you'll be missed and I hope you'll come back, for the sake of Cairn parents present and future. 

Edited by _whits_
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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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I am sorry but all your resignations from this forum have been denied

We love you guys and love having the contact with your little fur babies.  Don't let one bad apple spoil the crate.  Don't be bullied - buck up and ride it out with us.  We all want you back, but you can't find a way around it, of course, we all wish you and your little loved ones the best of the bestest.  Miss you already.

This is very upsetting.  I am sure that Brad is feeling a hit.  Not exactly my idea of fireworks.

Edited by Dempsy's Mom
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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Leaving the forum because you don't like the contributions of one poster seems a bit extreme to me.

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what a loss, times two. i really regret that the good here does not seem to outweigh the bad for you. for what it's worth, i think the communal feeling here is that in regard to the two of you, the good is the good and everything else is trivial. as for getting your first time out --about time! wear it as a badge of honor. you should be hanging in and trying to earn a few more. 

Edited by pkcrossley
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I will sincerely miss Terrier Lover and Autumn. Perhaps they might come back. Hope so. The forum should go back to the outstanding site it has been. I love everyone here. You are a daily part of my life.

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