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A Cairn dilemma


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Rosie here,

Gus go for mr squirrelly ! The big one will just run away or perhaps give you a good kick....squirrels only just scold. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Agree with pk.  No need to make that decision immediately.  You never know when something more interesting will show up.

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Well at least someone is paying attention and thinking it over. Sassy saw a squirrel, a rabbit and a racoon all within 5 minutes this morning and ignored all of them. Geez....

Edited by remltr
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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Ivy would love to have to make that decision but think the squirrel would win!

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Aim for the squirrel.  Since he is already perched for a quick escape he will probably be up the tree before you get to him and then continue running around the tree and do a sneak attack on the deer.  At least you will of gave them both a good scare. :evil:

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Gus, first: Do the right thing and chase that garden invading, shrub-eating, tick-infested deer away!?

Then: The pesky eave-and-attic invading squirrel is sure to hang around, (he probably lives there...possibly in that very tree) so be assured you will have the chance to chase him another day?!

Edited by sanford
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This is why you need to have two dogs.   I frequently have Loki go after a cat while Zeus is going in another direction after a squirrel.

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Who rescued whom?

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Gus, do as I do, get on your belly and slowly approach the squirrel.  It hasn't worked for me yet but I'm getting closer and closer all the time.  Mom says, "one of these days your going to catch that little guy".  :)


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Idaho Cairns

No question in this house--squirrels are public enemy number one, are priority targets of opportunity at all times and all places--the deer would be ignored and the squirrel assigned to its proper place--high in the tree.

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Gus agrees, squirrels are the enemy. Sometimes I refer to them as "the evil ones" because even the word squirrel will set him off.

He does not pay attention to the deer, maybe because they are about as common in Victoria as garden gnomes. Also he was clipped by one jumping over him when we first realized that the does are extremely aggressive towards dogs during fawning season. 

I got a kick out of the juxtaposition of these critters, but when I tried to get closer to take another shot, the deer started walking towards us. You can see in the photo that she is staring right at us (Gus). So we beat a hasty retreat. The squirrel was already on his/her way up the tree.

Urban wildlife!

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Idaho Cairns

Here's my Sammi's rather nonchalant reaction to Mule deer after being caught outside without her co-conspirator Bonnie.  Now had that been two squirrels in that tree, look out!


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Idaho, I'm amazed at your girl sticking close to the house like she does and I do not see any fence around your property.  Although as Maisie gets older, she is much better at staying close to the house but if she was outside the yard and had the chance, saw another dog or a squirrel, she would be gone in a flash.  Luckily we have a huge yard surrounded by a stockade fence.

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Idaho Cairns

There is no fence--we obviously live on a hill and the dogs will occasionally go down the side a small way but usually stay up in the area you see.  Both dogs have a "territory" on either side of our condo that they visit regularly because the other residents give them treats but they never venture beyond the back area--it has been that way since day one.  Our original Cairn trained Sammi on the "limits" and Sammi has trained Bonnie on the same limits of travel.  Since deer obviously aren't a high priority target and the squirrels stay up here on the hill, there is no real reason for them to wander beyond their self-proscribed area.
It has been our experience that our Cairns just aren't "wanderers" in any respect--they stay pretty close to home and since we live in a cul-de-sac traffic isn't a problem--which is good since our girls don't seem to be as "car conscious" as some other dogs.
Squirrels get an entirely different treatment than the deer however--they are public enemy number one!


Edited by Idaho Cairns
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