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Dempsy's Mom

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We had sold some heifers to a man - 4 of them were pregnant - he brought the 4 back last weekend - he tried to abort one of them to get her in cycle - yesterday we had a preemie - it's female and black and Dempsy thinks he is going to start his own herd of black cows now.  This little preemie is adorable and so very small.  She can just reach mommy's tit. :) I suppose she's about 2 weeks preemie.  Demps is delighted with the possibility of getting a herd of black cows around again.  Jim named the little calf ..... "Oops" :huh:


She is showing you how agile she is by putting her hoof over her head. :)  ... darn flies.  I will have to, very lightly, rub some fly dope on her.  Her little skin is tender. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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 same question. Why abort? These are beef cows not milk. And why did he bring the cows back...I am confused.:cry: of course that doesn't take much!

the farm manager is back in the swing of raising."proper" cows...not red cows but black cows.

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The heifers that he bought were only 11 months old - they are a little to young to calve.  He wanted to breed them to a fancy bull and have them calve next spring.  Unfortunately our bull got in with the bunch of calves last fall which led to these four being bred.  The other 3 that are left to calve may have some problems calving.  The calf may be to big for them to handle.  He knew this one was bred so he gave her an abortion shot (Lutilice), but then he discovered the other 3 and did not give them the drug.  Anyway it resulted in Oops.

Oops is probably about 40 lbs at the most.  Dempsy is proud of Oops. Elsie loves her up and Dempsy sees her as a breeding tool.  Dempsy doesn't love up the calves like Elsie does. Oops has a great mom and mom tolerates us looking her over and petting her.


Edited by Dempsy's Mom
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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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7 hours ago, remltr said:

I don't understand cow stuff other than A1 sauce. So getting 4 pregnant cows is not a plus to the other farmer? It's like 4 free cows. If I bought a Corvette and it had a baby Corvette a few months down the road I would be tickled pink.

Bwaaa haaahaaa!

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That is the tiniest cow I ever did see. Not that I've seen a lot of cows, mind you. I do see them in fields sometimes when we drive to the coast. And sheep. And the occasional chicken.  I fed ducks and geese at a park at the coast last weekend. I felt just like an honorary farmer. :D  Well, until they kinda surrounded me and I started to freak out a little. Nickkkkkkk!!  They are going to attack me! They liked the seeds I had, but turned their bills up at the organic corn thins I offered them.  Picky ducks. If I met a cow in a park, I wouldn't know what to feed it. I guess grass, but he or she could probably find that on their own. :D


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Aww. What a darling little baby. The pictures are so adorable!  But goodness, her mom is not much more than a teenager! Bad bull. I hope the heifers don't have a difficult time.  A forty pound baby may be tiny to a grown cow, but to a heifer, it's probably comparable to a hundred pound person having a ten pound baby. Ouch! 

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It was so hot the other day that Oops forgot to suck.  Poor little gal was just weak.  Put mom in the stanchion and Oops got right with it (which was a relief).  She bounced around to each nipple and sucked for about 25 minutes.  Completely happy.  Demps and I went out this morning to check on her and she was running around the lot with her tail up in the air kicking up her heals.  Wish I would of had a video.  It was hot again today, but at least had a breeze.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Nothing cuter than baby farm animals running around, kicking up there heels.  I have to admit that I'll almost always stop to watch lambs in the spring running around.

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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