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Pissed off Farm Manager

Dempsy's Mom

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Asked Demps if he wanted to go check cows in the gator and of course he jumped at the chance.  This was our first time at checking cattle in the big pasture.  We were bumping down the little dirt road and Dempsy looks over and is in shock.  "Mom!  The cattle got sunburned!"  "Sunburned?!  Oh, no Demps.  They are just red cows."  Dempsy, "Why are there red cows in our pasture?  Where are our black cows?"  "We sold most of our black cows Demps and we rented out the pasture to another man.  He has red cows."  Dempsy, "Well that's just poopy.  .... and why wasn't this cleared with me?"  "Sorry Demps.  It just kinda happened. Management decision from above."  We drove in the pasture and all the red cows ran away.  "See mom.  If they were black cows they wouldn't run away and they would stick around so I could bark at them."  "Well, they just have to get used to us Demps."  Dempsy - "Their never gonna be like our black cows mom.  Take me home.  I need a snack and time to ponder on this management decision that was made without my input.  Maybe after I get over the shock of RED cows I will adjust eventually."  "So sorry Demps.  Life is about change."  Dempsy, "Well.  What if top management decides to sell me?"  "Well, Dempsy.  You might want to think about that - after you biting him in the leg last night he may very well be thinking that.  But don't you worry about it.  I will never sell you or let top management sell you."  :wub:

Edited by Dempsy's Mom
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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Oh oh... What did Jim do to deserve a chomp on the leg? He must have done something to the farm manager  to really make him angry....mmmm bad Jim.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Dempsy has this nasty ritual every night when Jim comes up to bed.  He barks and races around the room.  Well, last night he got a little to rowdy and Dempsy says he accidentally had his mouth open when he hit Jim's leg.  Of course, Jim cried like a baby.  Jim insist that Dempsy drew blood, but I never saw any.  Those two.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Buffy said she has had to deal with these situations too, such as management deciding to move her favorite chair or put away her favorite blanket.  She suggests Dempsy file a formal complaint and demand a raise.:P

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It's a good thing I read your comment to myself (Dempsy was at my feet) and he doesn't need any more ideas. :P Demps is just about to the point where he is thinking the farm isn't big enough for two farm managers. 

I am certain that Jim will come in tonight and once again want me to examine his wound.  It's barely a nip - it maybe move a little skin - for crying out loud - get over it.  .... but in seriousness I will have to find a way to remedy the situation. 

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Jock was also really possessive of me . Richard actually got nipped on the cheek (nothing life threatening)when he though he wasn't bugging Jock... Jock thought differently. In his mind Richard should not have been putting his face on the ground and teasing him.  R survived and was never bitten again, but Jock let him know who owned me....not my DH, but Jock.  He was a tough little Cairn. The  day he came home at 12 weeks of age , and jumped out of the crate, he thought he could boss our then Scottie, Sandie . Jock got a rude awakening, at least he knew she was the boss.

oh Jim a rooster is scarier!  :P

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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"Dempsey, bud, I've got got agree with you.  I like black cows a lot better, too.  I always bark at black cows when we see them.  Not so much with red cows or other colors.  I can't imagine why management didn't consult with you; I know you would have put into the field rental agreement that there could only be black cows there.  As for the nip, just tell him it was a love nibble.  I give Mom a lick and a nibble every time she comes home.  Oh, wait...Mom just reminded me that I do grumble at Dad when he comes to bed.  And when he tries to get me off Mom's lap to take me out to go potty.  She's MY mom!"

~ Your Buddy, Packy

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Lola here. A good ignoring session comes in handy when I feel I've been slighted.  Then they kiss your tail trying to make it up to you and wonder what they did wrong. I never tell. Let the uprights with their so-called bigger brains figure it out! Dempsey, I feel for ya. As farm manager, you most definitely should have been consulted. Red cows!  The unmitigated nerve!  What's next - blue chickens?

I don't like when my authority is undermined when performing my duties, either. Sometimes, as head of security, I MUST run up and down the stairs and bark my fool head off at intruders to our fortress. Then I get told, 'Lola, be quiet! We are trying to work.' What do these people think they are paying me for?

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