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Social Dempsy

Dempsy's Mom

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Just a quick note - on a nice day last weekend - we all went to the dog park.  This is a big effort for Demps because he hates car rides.  However, when we arrive at the park and Dempsy saw all the other dogs there he was in heaven.  Demps was so eager to meet and greet.  So happy.  He met all the other dogs and then decided that he would tag along with these two beautiful teenage girls and their four dogs.  It was so cute to see him trot right along with the bunch - they all loved having him.  They trotted around the park a couple of times and he didn't think of me once.

Elsie is not so social.  She want to go her own way and do her own thing.  When a dog approach she glanced at them with disgust as if she was saying, "Ok, if you must - take a whiff and move on."

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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That sounds a lot like the way Buffy and Ziggy behaved when we used to go to the dog park.  Buffy socialized and played with the other dogs while Ziggy went off on his own.  The closest Ziggy got to socializing is when he'd get involved in a peeing contest with another male dog.:P

Sounds like it was a fun day!


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