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How many lives does a bird have?

Dempsy's Mom

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Every morning I run around doing all my chores before I head out to the field to plant.  Sometimes I need to cut corners to get it all in.  This morning Elsie was out with me and I decided that I could open the chicken coop and get back to Elsie before she even knew the chickens were out.  The chickens were all inside the coop when I opened the door .... well this would of worked ... but Goldie is a different bird.

I opened the door and headed over to Elsie.  I am standing right over Elsie.  She is at full alert.  "What the heck are to so shook about?"  I glanced behind me and there was Goldie.  Goldie had heard to door open, scooted out and followed me right over to Elsie.  Elsie and Goldie were but two feet apart.  Elsie was giving Goldie the snake eyes and her neck was stretching out intensely with her front paw slowly lifting in the air preparing for a pounce.  I quickly reached down and hooked my finger in Elsie's collar.  I squatted down for a conversation between the two.

There we were.  The three of us.  Not but a foot apart from each other.  I held Elsie with my finger in her collar and talked to Goldie.  "Goldie, what is it with you?  Do you have a death wish?  Are you a dumb bird?  Are you trying to stand your ground?  Prove a point?  What?"  Goldie just stood there, listened to me and gave Elsie a clever glance.  Elsie was now shaking at the thought of a second chance at this bird.  It really was quite sweet.  I informed Goldie that I could not be responsible for her life is she continues to make reckless choices.  Goldie just cocked her head and wondered off.  Elsie never lunged - never barked - just stood there shaking.  I gathered her up and off we went for our day in the tractor.  Animals.

PS - Goldie has most all her feathers back.


Edited by Dempsy's Mom
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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Glad all of you survived the encounter with feathers and hair intact! :lol: Maybe Ms. Elsie will remember that Goldie is off limits. And maybe Goldie has gotten her curiosity out of the way now that she has gotten a good up close view of Elsie twice.  Phew! Silly bird. 

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Does Kitty stalk Goldie?  There is no rooster to protect his girls? They scare the heck out of me...but something tells me it would just be a bigger challenge for Elsie, the Braveheart.  Goldie is using up (how many lives does a chicken have?) a few of her lives in short order.:cry:


Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Kitty or the other farm cats have no interest in the chickens.  Goldie is just a social bird.  She sure is cute the way she follows me around.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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That  had to take a big load of self-control for Elsie not to attack!  Glad you had a talk with all of them.:)

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I love reading stories about life on the farm. Goldie is one lucky girl! Kudos to you, Elsie, for restraining yourself. :)

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