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Cool smells

Sam I Am

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Humpffff....I don't get my mums issues about me being in the garden and enjoying the Sunshine, blue skies.....oh and that wonderful aroma. Mum brought in a big bin full of delicious smells....poop smells. I am a good Scottie and don't eat compost like my dearly beloved now gone Cairn cousin, Jock. Mum had a fit when he ate a bunch of our own home grown compost...he sure pooped a lot himself for a couple of days!:sick:   But then he also liked winter poopsicles...More:sick:. I am a lady and don't do things like that.  Anyway mum read me the riot act just in case I decide to investigate the smells.....mm I would rather have a bone anyway . 

And what's with the worrying bout the grass mum...I am a girl I can't lift my leg like Jock used to.!! 

Mum here....well by August the grass will have grown in, and then you can start all over again Rosie.


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I always thought I wasn't too keen on Scotties but Rosie here and little Grahame have converted me. Adorable both.

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Looking good, Rosie!  I can't imagine why your mum doesn't think you're a perfect lady.  How could a girl so pretty do anything bad?

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Hillcreek, Scotties are lovely, gentle and actually very laid back. However a mean Scottie that hasn't been raised kindly or has bad breeding, is a handful to deal with. Compared to Cairns they are a lot more reserved , but very loving to their owners. Rosie loves everyone.:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Lucky girl, Rosie. In our house Oban isn't even allowed in the garden during the growing season. Not just because he lifts his leg but also because he exuberantly runs over our flowers while chasing squirrels, rabbits, folks walking along the fence (and maybe just dust...)! But of course our yard is all flowers and shrubs and ground covers, so there isn't any real grass for him to kill anyway.  

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You are a pretty girl Rosie in a pretty garden, even with the spotty lawn!  

I solved the lawn problem last year when I had artificial grass put down which looks fine and Ivy cannot do anything to it but roll around on it - must tickle her!

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22 minutes ago, remltr said:

Looking good Rosie.

As for those brown spots I used to think that feeding tomato juice helps prevent the spots in the first place. Not so. http://polk.uwex.edu/horticulture/seasonal-concepts/lawns-and-dogs-but-not-tomato-juice/

Interesting article.  I have given up trying to prevent the brown spots and have resigned myself to an annual re-seeding of the area where Buffy makes most of her winter piddles. 

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Rosie looks lovely in the lovely garden! :)  She also looks very ladylike and mannerly. She certainly didn't do anything to the grass. ;)

We, too, got rid of all the grass (with all the rain, our yard looked like a mud pit most of the time). It's all pebbles now. Lola love to run and make them fly all over. :D


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