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Spring Pruning


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Before and after shots from Gus's fairly drastic hair appointment yesterday!





Edited by Islander
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Buffy's heart is pounding through her chest.  She wants to know if his pic is available in a life-size version.

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Gus looks like a young pup in his new coat! So sweet.:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Idaho Cairns

Yep, here too!  The grooming lady in the van showed up and gave the girls their first ever professional grooming and I don't think they were impressed.  For us, however, it is kinda interesting to find out that there are actually dogs neath all that hair.  Don't let the bows throw you--Ok with Bonnie cause she has sort of a "little girl" look about here but big old rangy Sammi!!!  Not much we can do with her, she's the Margery Main of Cairns, you can dress her up all you want but she still comes off as Ma Kettle.


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OMG....So cute! Sammi 's eyes are talking big time...Dad how could you do this to me! Bonnie however looks very pleased with her feminine new look!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Idaho!  What happened to your two rough and tumble terriers?  They have been replaced by frou-frou dogs!

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Idaho Cairns

I KNEW that "Flou Flou" thing was coming and I am blaming my dear wife who dashed out to the groomers van as she was doing the neighbor's dog last month.  Although the girls were perfectly happy with the bows, I could only tolerate them for five days and out they came.  Still, there has been a mysterious change in attitude, especially with Bonnie, now she seems to be "posing" ever so often--she seems to have "got it" with groom.  Sammi just keeps galumping along like always.


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Gotta smile. They are so cute and so different. We love 'em whether rough and tumble or all fixed up.

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Tell Sammi not to worry - a good run through the brush, followed by a roll in the grass and dirt, and that frou frou will be long gone. But you will love her whatever she looks like - lucky dog!

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My family's response - "Well, it will grow back."  They all prefer the shaggy look. I like his coat best halfway - like the way it would be if I rolled it on a regular basis. But since I am too lazy and/or inept, I take him back to his breeder twice a year. He does not appreciate these visits to his birthplace! 

I thought he was getting chunky, but stripped to his underwear he is a lean machine. And I love being able to see his lovely eyes so well!

No hair bows on offer for Gus, but my DIL thinks he should have a tartan bow tie.

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I think Gus looks very smart!  Even without a bowtie!!

And the girls look so pretty !

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They all look adorable! Lola is jealous of the bows. She's never had one.

I love Lola's coat best when it is in between. Too short and she doesn't look like a Westie - more like a lamb! - and too long she looks rather yak-y and I can't see her eyes very well. :)


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19 hours ago, hheldorfer said:


Yikes is right! Poor sheep!

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