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Buddy the Giant Cairn - update


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Its been a while since I've posted. Busy year. Bud was diagnosed with cancer in July '15. It was already spread throughout his body. No viable treatment options that would make a real difference and all of them very risky for an older gent (12+ yrs now). We were told "a couple of weeks or months." That was about 10 months ago and we're still here. Bud is truly the toughest person I have ever known. He's made it clear he's not ready to go. We are 24/7 now and Bud comes to work with me every day. He's become our office mascot and he looks forward to making his morning rounds visiting co-workers who keep treats at their desk. They even made him a company ID badge! We still hit the trail every weekend, and though we walk slowly, we keep on going. He's lost weight (from 29.5 lbs of badass down to 21lbs of more concentrated badass). But he's still a handsome dude and a total chick magnet. 

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For sure cairns are not ready to go till they say. Sorry to hear of diagnosis but happy Bud still enjoying life. Go Bud!

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While I'm sad about the prognosis I love Bud's attitude and yours too. Who could ask for anything more than a companion to hang with, have your back, and share the ups and downs that life offers? Best Buds :thumbsup: 

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We went through the same thing with our Jock. It's a heart ache like no other when you know they have a terminal disease , but you carry on and enjoy every moment that they are with you. And I truly believe they tell you in no uncertain terms when they have had enough of their earthly bonds. So glad he is with you the whole time, and still able to enjoy life.  Carry on Bud! :wub:



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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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Buddy is gorgeous. I'm so sorry to hear of his prognosis. It's wonderful you can take him to work and spend so much time together. I hope you have many more lovely days with him at the trail.

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handsome buddy has always been one of my favorites. as for the position you are in now --i've been there. there are torments and there are blessings. you guys keep on keeping on, you will be in my thoughts. 

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thanks to ALL for your kind thoughts and words. Cairn lovers are a family. Bud has been my daily compadre for more than a dozen years. He's earned my best and then some. We're gonna ride it out together. 

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I'm so sorry to hear about Bud's troubles but, my goodness, you have a wonderful attitude and it seems Buddy isn't ready to go.  Good for both of you.  You have my good wishes and prayers that you can enjoy every minute until Buddy says it's time to go.  

Buffy agrees that he is still a major chick magnet, by the way.


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