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Reilly RedSky update 6 months old


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Hello CT family. 

Here is an update on Reilly RedSky who turned 6 months old this week.  He is doing incredibly well and a huge joy to us.

Housebreaking:  about 6-8 weeks ago, he seemed to just grasp the theory overnight. After that, we had may one or two more accidents, mainly due to our fault, but since then, no more accidents.  We used the small bell beside the door method, and he does very, very well.  Glad that stage has passed in all regards, but sad that his life, like ours, seems to scream by.

Toys: I was amazed that on his first day home, he did not play with his toys.  I have re-learned a lesson I had forgotten with our other guys,  he had to be taught that these were his toys.   Now he will play with them a good bit when he needs some entertainment.

Health: seems to be incredibly great.  He lost his last baby tooth this past week, and his teeth look beautiful and white.  Hope we can keep them this way.  We give him daily walks or romps in the local park and his stamina and disposition are great.

Training: we completed a PetSmart class and he does pretty darn good, will heel reasonably well, and sit and in general is a sweet little dog.  He still however has that Cairn disposition and will do it his way if he desires.  He will also just dig in with all his might if he wants to go a different way than you desire.  Hard headed little thing!! :)  That's a cairn for you. 

Crating: he has always slept in a crate beside our bed, and does so now until 8 or 9am if we let him.  He, unlike our other cairns, does not need to go the bathroom immediately upon waking, but prefers a good morning massage first.   Do I have a real Cairn?  I remember our other three rising very, very early.  Sweet !!!!  He also has a crate in our great room and will use it for naps. 

He has been on his first RV trip including a monster hike on our highlands and 5800+ elevation, going about 3.5 miles and doing great. 

We are blessed to have him,  thank you all for all the help and encouragement you have given me to get him to this stage.  Hope I can get these pictures posted.

1.  Beautiful little face.  2.  Looking at Nete, my wife, on our first big hike.  Do you not want to know what he is thinking in this one? 

Bless you all, thanks. ron







Beautiful Reilly compressed.JPG

Nete and Reilly on highlands.JPG

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Great pictures!  I especially like the one of Reilly and your wife - such a typical Cairn pose, as if to say "What's next?".

Thanks so much for the update.  Reilly is one very lucky boy!

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Reilly is really cute!  So happy he has you guys.  I agree - looks like he is saying, "What's next"?  haha - lovely photos

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I just died from cuteness overload.

THAT FACE. I just want to squish and kiss it!

Edited by _whits_

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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