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Lola is 7!

Autumn & Lola

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Happy Birthday to my little white Cairn. :)

Actually her birthday is tomorrow but we're celebrating today.  She is getting roast beef and carrots for her birthday dinner.  She also got two bags of treats that her Daddy swears she is 'addicted' to, extra play time in the yard (with the three of us, a filled Kong and her soccer ball - I let her do most of the running. ;) ) and will get lots more cuddles tonight.  She is taking a nap now after all the running around in the, dare I say it, sunshine. :D

Can't believe she is 7! Seems like only yesterday when we got her at 2 1/2.

Hubby and I will be out tomorrow, so Mathew will watch her. I may bring her home some fish 'n chips so she can celebrate again. :D

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Ooh laloo Lola...a mere spring chicken. 

From Rosie,

WHAT I have to wait till I am seven before I get what Lola gets.....this is outrageous :soap:.

Happy for you though Lola, happy birthday from the Scairn to the White Cairn. :party: :cake:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Happy birthday Lola!!!! I hope your weekend festivities were as wonderful as they sounded!

Can't believe it's been 5 years since you brought her home. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Yappy Birthday Lola! with licks from Ivy!



Edited by josie&holly
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Lola here! Thank you everybuddy (<-- see what I did there?) for all the lovely birthday wishes! :)  I started my day with a piece of roast beef in my breakfast - yum!  I'm going to go out and play now and then start guarding the house and my family. (One's guard duties can never be shirked - not even on one's birthday!) :D


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Hi Lola, happy birthday. Roast beef, I never get roast beef. You are really special. Next year see if you can get some gravy with it.

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Thank you all so much!  Yes, roast beef is awesome. I only get a little piece at a time. Mummy says if I have too much, it will give me 'the runs'.  I run all the time so I don't know what she is talking about, but she often says crazy thing! :D  She also says that roast beef is 'too rich'.  Roast beef has money? Where does it keep it? What does it spend it on?  These uprights sure are nutty. :D



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Doesn't the song go like this - "whatever Lola wants, Lola gets..."?

Oban is quite jealous of Lola, by the way. His third birthday was at the end of March, and all he got to do was lick out a few bowls (well, one was an ice cream bowl with a nice portion left in, but I think he has forgotten that.)

Happy birthday, Lola, with wishes for many many more!

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