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Dare we say the word, S*****


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Gorgeous photo!  I, too, am praying for that pot of gold called SPRING!  Buffy is anxious to get out for a walk in the woods and see what the critters have been up to.:)

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17 hours ago, hheldorfer said:

Gorgeous photo!  I, too, am praying for that pot of gold called SPRING! 

The only thing missing from the photo is a yellow brick road!

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Fun.  Supposed to hit 75 tomorrow  -  pool time again.  Then cool off again for the weekend with showers, which we need.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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There WAS a treasure at the rainbow's end! It came today. Blue sky , golden sun, warm temps. No rain in the forecast for the next week. We northern mountain folk came out of our houses much like the bears are coming out of their dens.

Stretching and smiling and feeling the warmth on our skin, hearing the busy birds, noting the great blue heron's return along with the osprey and seeing our bald eagle pairs renovating their old nests. Any day now the white tails will be dropping those adorable spotted babies in the fields around us.

Angus ran up and down the wooded slopes on our walk sniffing and searching and coming to tell me all about it.

Finally we can say the word Spring.

Finally Spring

Edited by Hillscreek
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