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Belated Malcolm's Gotcha Day

Malcolm's Dad

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My back has been acting up so I haven't been online for a while. Malcolm's Gotcha Day is really Feb 29. But in years that don't have the leap year I make it Mar 1. Well this year we had a Feb 29 so we celebrated. He got lots of treats and some hamburger mixed into his kibble. Boy did he enjoy that.

He is 7 now. Calmed down as he gets older except when we go out. He still wants to attack anything and everything he sees.

He has been a little snuggler this winter. After breakfast he will come back to bed and snuggle for as long as I am in bed. I'm in bed a lot trying to take care of this aching back which is fine with Malcolm.

I've got a lot of catching up to do in the forum. Right now I can't sit for too long at the pc so I will see you all later.

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you go malcolm. it has been hard for him to get his natural cairn assertiveness to live along with his desire to be your friend and good boy. takes a while to figure it out. i admire these dogs so much as they struggle with that, and it seems to have been a little harder for malcolm than for most.

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Macolm -you are doing a good job taking care of your Dad. Dad, hope back will ease up with coming of spring.

Edited by Hillscreek
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Belated Happy G.D., Malcolm!

So sorry your dad is having back problems. Would it help if he was able to put the computer on top of a crate so he could stand instead of sit? I've had my share of back problems, so I know there may not be a quick fix for him, but...

If he doesn't already have a hand-held tablet, I recommend it, if he can afford it. They are amazingly convenient and versatile, and back problems aside, can be used standing, sitting, lying down, etc.

Hope he'll be better soon!


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Happy gotcha day Malcolm!  Bet that hamburger was a real treat for you,  but the best treat is having a dad who loves you and cares for you.  It's good you are returning the favor with special bed cuddles.  

Hope your back feels better soon Malcolm's dad.  DH has had several spine surgeries and the damp, cool weather makes him ache like the dickens.  Look forward to happier, warm spring days.  Take care.:)

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Malcolms dad hope Your little Cairn is  helping you get back on your feet again. He is a little hot water bottle that never needs re heating. :wub::wub:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Congrats to you both! Take care of your back, Malcolm's Dad. And Malcom - continue being that good boy we all know you can be to help and comfort your daddy. :)


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Yay for leap years!  Hope you had a Happy Gotcha Day Malcolm!  Keep on snuggling up to dad's back so it stays nice and warm.  :)  Hope your back feels better.  ..... Dempsy will be 7 this year too!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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A leap-year puppy! Pretty special.  And good that Malcolm is figuring out that playing nurse is a good job for a cairn.  Oban has learned that taking naps with me earns him big credit (translation: treats).

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