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The Change in Prissy

Lynn in TN

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you've got a particularly dramatic example there, but we often talk here about how age 3 (sometimes 4) is magical for these dogs. they seem to mature more slowly than some other breeds, but when they mature they show real depth and become remarkable companions. you deserve so, so much credit for sticking with prissy. i had a cairn with many of prissy's problems, and it was because of those problems, i think, that we became so close. he is still the dog closest to my heart, among many beloved little friends. i hope you and prissy will build on this relationship for many years. she might still have relapses, but you will know who she really is. 

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Fabulous. Just shows what loving care and patience can do. Dear Prissy - she looks so relaxed and comfortable with you. 

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I remember quite well what Prissy was like when you first adopted her, but look at her now!  You have done an outstanding job with her.  God bless you for staying the course and not giving up on her.:)

On another note:  I was paying attention to your stripping technique.  If you ask me, you're darn good at it!  I'm going to try your method next time I *try* to groom Buffy.


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Prissy is so patient with you now and actually enjoys your stripping method.  She is so sweet - nice video!  Glad you got Prissy. :D

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Idaho Cairns

Lynn, I remember well my concern after being so positive about rescue Cairns with you and then your initial experience with Prissy and I am so glad she has settled down for you.  You'd be surprised to know how often I wonder about how she is doing with you and the kids.  Thanks for the video. 

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Wow she is so chilled while you are stripping her. You look like a pro doing it and Prissy looks like she hasn't a care in the world. :)  You've worked wonders with her!

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I'm sitting here, crying over a Cairn being groomed. My goodness, how that video captures the change in Prissy and the change in your relationship. Bless you for taking on the challenge and persevering with love. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Sassy has never had the issues that Prissy had and she would not sit still for more than 10 seconds while being stripped. You and Prissy should be proud of yourselves for the progress you have made. Congratulations.

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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oops i see, she's 3 years with you not three years old. could be the same principle. in that case, double double on the admiration. it means a lot to give these dogs a good life. 

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