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Input sought: stripping, combs, sun exposure.


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Hey folks, Reilly will be 5 months and looks like he needs stripping--but I simply do not know.  When does this usually need to be started?  This will be our first attempt, as we just cut our prior three guys.  ( this got us a soft cost, but otherwise healthy, no hot spots, etc).  Any advice and links welcome.  I'm looking at one from a site called mrterrier, and have seen a couple of YouTube videos, but have not learned much.  Hand stripping terriers is not a common east TN skill, like say .... corn liker making and such.  No one around here knows how to hand strip.

Any thoughts on a Shedmonster or a Coat King stripper fine for stripping?  Some like the combs while others say it cuts the hair rather than pulling out the dead hairs.

Reilly likes laying in the sun.  Our other three did not do this.  Should I be concerned about sun burning, or eye damage if we allow him to do this a good bit.  I'm glad he really likes the outdoors, but want to be careful too.  

On a great note we have found two baby teeth and he is doing great with his training and discipline.  Thanks.  Hug the babies.



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My favorite tools are: surgical gloves, they help to grip the fur. I also use a pumice stone. A small one that you find in the health and beauty section at Walmart. Those are the only tools I have ever used.

Do I do a great job! No, i'm terrible at it. You won't find a show quality job at my house. Maybe when they were young and their were young and the fur grew at a much slower rate. ;)

I use clippers in the butt region and on the pads of their feet, other than that all of their fur is only hand striped by me and always has been. Kelly will be 5 this year. we have had her since she was a puppy. Prissy will be 10 this year, but she was a rescue and we have only had her 3 years.

On a side note: I saved all of Kelly's puppy teeth and still have them! I guess I'm crazy. :P

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12 hours ago, Dogband1 said:

Any thoughts on a Shedmonster or a Coat King stripper fine for stripping?  Some like the combs while others say it cuts the hair rather than pulling out the dead hairs.

Works for some, not so much for others. Some previous discussions that may be helpful.

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As Bradl says, the Mars Coat King works for some and not for others. I've only had 2 cairns: Carrington had a very harsh coat and the Coat King worked like a charm! Roughy's coat is softer and finer, and the Coat King is not nearly as effective on him. So in my (limited) experience, it depends on the dog.


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If you go to Grooming topic and search stripping. You'll find many many suggestions and posts about people's experiences grooming their cairns. As sanford says cairns' coats vary very much. You can read and compare with Reilly. He's young yet so look for puppy coat care. His coat may change qute a bit in texture and color as he matures. Have never used Coat King etc on Angus so cannot comment.

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  • 6 months later...

Ijuse a 16 Mars coat king, mat brush, and fine close tined come.(flea comb) of course Keira doesnt really have a thick coat, gut she looks fine. I think we all start out  stressing about the coat and then we find what works for us, if we are not in the show ring. Anyway that works for me, as long as she is clean and not buggy or matted, she looks fine

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