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Betsy Update


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Hello, all, 

Realized it's been a while since I shared anything about Betsy and seeing as we've had her for a little over 6 months now I think it's high time to move up to this section. 

Her hair has grown in nicely since the trim she got before we found her and the shave for her surgery. I've been grooming her by hand using rubber gloves and a Furminator. 

She's still a bit of a princess, particularly when it comes to getting attention. When we try to leave the house she'll come and sit on our laps or nose aside hands that are trying to tie shoes. She's gotten very good at picking up on when we're on our way out. When she doesn't get her way she either forces her head under our hands or retreats to her chair and glares across the room very sulkily. 

Breakthrough! She sort of plays now. I've been able to get her to chase me around our little apartment. She'll whine, snort, and yelp, which seem to be the only noises she really makes. When I crawl around with her she jumps around and fakes at me like she's playing with another dog. Not sure if I'm doing it right, but she seems to enjoy it and has even started initiating playtime. She isn't anywhere near as outgoing or headstrong as some of the dogs described here but she's a very happy little girl. 

Some recent glamor shots:


and the blooper reel:





Here's a "before" picture from the day before we signed adoption papers



Edited by parmelbe
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Wonderful news - thanks for the update!  Betsy looks stunning and happy and healthy, so you are obviously doing everything right.  It's encouraging that she's starting to participate in playtime.  Six months isn't really that long and she'll come out of her shell more and more as time goes on.  By now she is at least feeling comfortable, secure, and loved.

Looking at her pictures I couldn't help but wonder:  If Betsy, Buffy (my Cairn) and Addie (whits' Cairn) were all together we'd have a heck of a time figuring out who was who!


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She looks amazing! How glad she must be to have a loving home. Even the glaring at you is great progress as its the typical Cairn stink eye if they figure they can't stop you from abiding to their every wish. And some dogs are just more playful than others. No doubt in time that will all change .

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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1 hour ago, hheldorfer said:

Looking at her pictures I couldn't help but wonder:  If Betsy, Buffy (my Cairn) and Addie (whits' Cairn) were all together we'd have a heck of a time figuring out who was who!

Add Ruffy to the mix and you'd have a fourth look-alike.

(Oops! Just realized... Ruffy is a male, so I guess that would be a dead give-away)!?

P.S. Betsy is gorgeous! She's got a beautiful coat and you've done it justice with your excellent grooming skills! Wishing you continued success with wonderful Betsy. Be sure to keep us posted as she continues to progress!

Edited by sanford
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What a change you can see in the pictures! Her coat and her figure sure make it seem like she's a hearty and healthy dog. I think the last "blooper" picture is my fave. She's precious. 

It appears she hit the rescue jackpot. So happy to see and hear about her progress. Thank you so much for sharing! 

6 months isn't a very long time in the grand scheme of things - it's great that she's comfortable playing with you and protesting your departures. I imagine you'll have an even more confident and happy dog in your life as more months go by. And I hope we get to hear all about it. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Betsy looks fantastic!  You've done so well with her grooming. I'm glad she is settling in nicely.   Thanks for the update and for sharing all the lovely photos. I think the 'one ear' pic is my favorite.

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