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Here's to you Ms. Robinson


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We lost our senior Cairn Brodee on November 9th at the age of 16 years and one month.  He did great right up to the last week.  We even had  him on his mountain, Roan Mt Tennessee, the first of August of this year.  He was smiling and seemed to be very happy at the high country smells and wind in his face.  He could only walk a small amount, but it was great to have him up there.  He was mostly blind and deaf, and I had never had one live so long.  He was feeling good and I really, really enjoyed taking care of him and holding him.  He got much more cuddly as he aged.  As I noted in a prior reply, I can still hear him from the videos, and I can still see him in pictures and videos, but my memory of holding him, and what he felt like in my arms is already beginning to fade. It was the same with his sister Kyra who died on June 17, 2013.  I cannot fight hard enough to keep this memory and I miss this most of all.  Today, for some reason has been especially hard, and I thought I was doing better.   He had a great, safe, healthy long life, and exited at the vets without any anxiety or pain, and am grateful to God for answering my prayers with a soft exit.  None are easy for me, but his was as easy as it gets.  I am beyond thankful. 

Anyways, back to the title.

Thanks to Claire Robinson of Willowood Cairn Cottages as the breeder. These two were incredibly healthy and we are forever grateful.  I will at some point begin a search for another single Cairn, and I can only hope to do so well.  I am frightened at the prospect of this challenge.  We will do only one this time.  I would not have missed the challenges and rewards of two at one time for the world, but at the same time, I cannot do two as it is quite challenging.  

He was so incredibly beautiful, I wish I could upload a picture.  I have a 16kb compressed picture and a 268 kb picture, and it will not let me upload these.  Any help appreciated.  

Kyra, and now brother Brodee, and Frodo our first, all now gone, and all deeply missed.  Never forgotten.  ron

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How wonderful that Brodie was with you for such a long time. My Jock left to early ...but then a life time isn't long enough. Hold tight with those wonderful memories. I just have to close my eyes and pretend I am holding Jock, his coat brushing against my face.  Try...you will probably smell and feel Brodie. They never really leave us.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Bless you and your relationships with your Cairn children.  We're in that particularly difficult place right now where
 Olie just turned 15, and the Wonder Twins, Teddy and Sweet Pea are about to turn 14.  I think, what a CPA would
 call our household's output, "Discretionary Spending", is the most I have ever spent for my nonhumans' health care.
 All of it is a big worry...don't know what to worry about more...that my babies are clos(er) to expiring, or that I have no  income as a result of repeated job loss.  Even our 8 year old (rescue) kitty has incurred a large veterinary cost.

We're trying to do what you are doing, and treasure the precious moments, for they still occur every day.

Tara, Mom of many nonhumans.

Edited by tlwtheq

Max and Nelly

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Dear Dogband, Your description of the loss of Brodee resonated with me as it would with anyone who has lost their beloved cairn. Of course, the grief will stay with you as you mourn him, but I hope it will be somewhat mitigated by the fact that you gave wonderful Brodee an exceptionally long, and an exceptionally happy life... and you compassionately eased him to his end.

Sending you my heartfelt condolences at this sad time.


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Here he is, Beautiful Brod Man, just short of his 16th birthday, a few short months ago.  He is in the deep grass of the Roan Mt Highlands.  His sight failing and hearing mostly gone, I still see a happiness in his smile.  He spent many days up here, with the smell of the grass, and the constantly blowing high mountain wind.  It was very windy this day, and I cannot help that the smile was for fond memories. 

This will most likely become one of our most treasured pictures. 


Brodee on Roan 2015 (480x640) (480x640).jpg

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Yes, Brody is definitely smiling in that picture.  He was a beautiful boy and undoubtedly had a wonderful (and long) life with you.  My sincere sympathy to you at this difficult time.   Your heartfelt memorial brought tears to my eyes.   I'm sure everyone who reads it will feel your loss.   

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Oh my, Brodee was just gorgeous. You can tell how much he was enjoying his trip to the mountain. You wrote a beautiful tribute to him. It sounds like you gave him a perfect Cairn life. Hold your memories close. You have my sympathies.


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Brodee - such a handsome happy cairn. How lucky for you and him to have had each other for so long. He will never be forgotten and always hold his special place in your hearts.

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Such love to you and your family.  We're right on the edge there, Brodee.  For sure, please keep a lookout for Olie!  With all the love we can muster.   The Wilk Family.

Max and Nelly

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Your Brodee was adorable, his smile lights up the entire photograph.  I cried when I read your tribute to him, it was beautiful.  Please know that he will always be with you, in your heart and in your memories.  Rest in peace Brodee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

extraordinary dog, extraordinary life. idaho once said something very wise, to the effect that one day a new dog will come into your life, and sooner or later you will see your old friend in the new friend's eyes. one way or another you will see brodee and kyra and frodo again. be very proud of the lives you have given them. 

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I am deeply sorry for your loss. It seems a dogs life is never long enough, but we are so blessed to have them for any amount of time.

He  was a beautiful dog, and what a beautiful spot to be on in his last days, Roan Mountain.

The pain will ease in time, although it's hard to bare, memories of the one who passed will  shine like diamonds through your soul and mind.

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