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Tattletale Cairn


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yes, i see what you mean. i never heard of an "australian terrier" before. looks like the breed history is older than scottie, skye, dandy, westie and so on, so probably shares a lot more with cairns than the other breeds. face and expression is almost all-cairn. extremely interesting.

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It does look Cairnish. I think Australian Terrier as well.


I had to laugh. I have a tattletale too. Kelly will come get me (excitedly) if Prissy did it. If Kelly did it she still comes and gets me, but her ears are laid back and her tail is between her legs. Prissy use to potty in the house a lot but it is rare now. The only time Kelly has is if she is really sick (diarrhea). I often wondered if Kelly would tell on herself as she hadn't did a potty in the house since she was under 1 year of age. She had a bad virus last month. It was really bad I took her to the vet. She did though she had and accident twice and came got me both times. Ears laid back and tail between the legs both times. lol

Edited by Lynn in TN
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I found the original video on YouTube, keep an eye on this pup. Judy the Australian Terrier is only a year old but she is on her way to becoming a YouTube star like Mishka the talking husky and Boo the Pom advertised as the cutest dog in the world. :)

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they are a very cute pair. sunny is a killer, too. judy is very very cairney --except, what cairn would agree to do all those tedious tricks? good girl. 

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I just looked up the videos - there's quite a number. Thanks lupinegirl.

AKC Australian Terrier Champion Judy is currently being trained in agility. Think lots of cairns would like that - when in the mood and not distracted by other things going on around!

Agree with pk, cairns not into doing the trick things - though maybe this is cairn owners.......if treats were involved I think Angus might do a few things. I remember last winter, so long and cold, trying a couple of things. He learned to roll over, refused to shake hands, no matter what the treat, jumped through a hoop. That was it. "Jump through a hoop mom are you crazy???"  Went back to doing hide and seek and find/fetch the treat/ball.

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Judy is adorable.  That said, I now realize I was WAY off when I thought she was a Cairn.  The caption under one of Judy's videos said "She loves to please."  Nope, that's not a Cairn. :P

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Lol. Nikki does like to please when he's in the mood to. He is not ticklish on his stomach at all. We've had him almost eleven years and not once has he ever kicked a back foot... Until recently. He curled his tummy and kicked both legs all of a sudden, making me squeal and laugh in surprise and delight. Next thing I knew, I could not touch him anywhere without that hind leg curling up to kick. He even scratched my hand with his back foot. I was a bit concerned. Was his tummy upset? Did he have a new skin condition?

Nope. He kicked for a couple days after wards, but then one day he decided he'd gotten enough exercise on my account and he stopped. i did not get so much as a paw twitch. Just a very relaxed happy boy enjoying his usual tummy and armpit rubs.

A couple weeks later, he started kicking and curling up again. When I laughed, he did it faster. Then he had enough and he lay still. XD Nikki just wanted to make me laugh. What a sweetheart! XD And what a funny way to entertain me.

He also invited me to play with me this afternoon by squeaking a toy and play bowing. But as soon as I sat on the floor and picked up his toy, he backed up to snuggle against my leg and just sat there, expecting a scratch. lol. He has me trained. Squeak a toy and look at me cutely, then wait for me to get with the program.

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it is funny to see a dog that looks so much like a cairn doing this bizarrely un-cairnlike things. she never takes her eyes off her trainer! thinks she's real interesting! following instructions to a t. german shepherd in a cairn suit. 

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Turns out these dogs live in the Twin Cities - read an article titled "Dogs of Instagram" in a local press, and they were included.  I have never seen a cairn star though - is there one?

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