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12 years with cairns and I'm still amazed!


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I'm sure this is no big deal to most of you, but I never cease to be impressed:


Ruffy was dozing at my feet in the bedroom while I tested my new speaker system (with the volume level much too high). Ruffy usually barks when someone occasionally passes the front door, but this time, he suddenly went totally ballistic...streaking out of the room, frantically barking, growling, dashing back and forth between me and the front door as if to say, "Quick... Do something! Timmy's in the well"!


It turned out that the UPS guy was delivering packages and I can only assume that he must have dropped mine at the door with a thump. But what gets me is that my bedroom desk is 50 feet and 2 rooms and 2 hallways away from the door, around 2 corners -- and as mentioned above, the volume was way too loud and Ruffy was dozing, (or appeared to be). How in the world was he able to hear anything?


I guess I shouldn't be surprised... Ruffy can also rouse himself from a sound sleep when he hears me open the lid of he treat jar.


This gave me chuckle and I just had to share it. :D



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<< "Quick... Do something! Timmy's in the well"!>>
OMG I just roared! :D :D
I imagine he felt the vibration of the 'thump' rather than heard the sound?
(I used to joke that the UPS guy who delivered to me in Alabama threw the package from his truck in the street and used a 70 ft pole to ring the doorbell. How else could he 'thump' the package down, ring the doorbell, run to the truck and be 1/2 way down the street in the time it took me to walk the 10 ft from my kitchen to the front door?  I'm not THAT slow! ;))
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Great story!  Ruffy is an excellent guard dog.  I am amazed whenever DH goes somewhere and Buffy hears his car coming down the street long before he pulls into the driveway.  They *know* things . . .

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Well, their hearing is way better than ours 60% better i think I read the other day. Nevertheless they often do seem to have some "other " sense working as well.

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he has to not only hear but make decisions about what he hears. my redmon barked at very specific things, not every loud noise. it had to be a noise coming from outside the house. if it involved a vehicle, that meant passing or arriving of somebody. that had to be announced. some outside arrivals were more worrying than others. he recognized my engine and would bark in an impatient greeting, not a warning. friends might get the same treatment. delivery men, workmen, unknown strangers were all warned --big dog here, behave or stay away. 

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We're not so hearing oriented, at ages 15, 14, 14.  But people emerge from the depths of this household

when I open, as an example. tuna!  I love my babies!

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Max and Nelly

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Laughing very hard here. I can picture it, because Kelly does the same thing, for different reasons. I can usually tell by her actions, whether it is an emergency or not. 


She came and got me once from the laundry room in the basement because Prissy was throwing up. She came running jumps up hits me in the middle of my thigh and starts running back up stairs. She turned around and did it again with such force that she almost made me fall. She was upset I didn't listen the first time.


One day I was in the basement painting and Mom came. She did the same thing but with her excited squeaks and a lot of enthusiasm. I new what it was, even though it was a surprise visit from Mom.


When Eric is gone and I start cooking, if it is something Kelly really likes she almost knocks him down when he comes home and then runs to the stove. One day I was frying chicken when he came home. Kelly was so excited and hit him with such force the first time he fell backwards against the wall. He wasn't expecting it. He now knows to brace himself when he gets home, he never knows what I might be cooking. lol


These little dogs are something else. They amuse me daily.

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Lynn in TN... Eric is right... Brace yourself! Doing laundry, cooking, painting, visits from Mom or merely coming through the front door can be hazardous to your health at your house with Kelly on patrol!  :lol:

Edited by sanford
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Yes!  Pepper does the "THIS IS IMPORTANT" bark and spin!!! It is just like Lassie on the TV show.   I always ask her to "show me" and she heads in the direction of the important disaster!!!  It was a squirrel this weekend stuck in the Have-A-Heart trap....

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Pepper's Mom

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redmon was once very insistent during an evening when there were no sounds and no lights. i thought it was probably a deer or some other small critter walking through the property somewhere so i kept telling him to shush but he was so insistent that i finally looked where he kept pointing with his nose. there was a silhouette of a very large cow moose in the windows of my sunroom. 

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We live in a crescent and so only certain cars tend to come into it. Jock always knew the sound of my car and was always waiting for me on his little box looking out the bay window. Miss that little face peering out at me with that crazy Cairn grin that only they can have.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Angus can see me out the window when I'm mowing near the house. But he does not watch until I'm almost done. How does he know that? I'm still going up and down the last couple of runs. And not always the same each time. When I look over a little hairy face has appeared at the window - he's laying on the bench waiting, tip of tongue out, couple teeth showing - I guess you could say he was smiling  :)

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redmon was once very insistent during an evening when there were no sounds and no lights. i thought it was probably a deer or some other small critter walking through the property somewhere so i kept telling him to shush but he was so insistent that i finally looked where he kept pointing with his nose. there was a silhouette of a very large cow moose in the windows of my sunroom. 


See, See!  Toldya Mommie!  Dey Do Dat!

Max and Nelly

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They are amazing, Maisie is another one that can tell my husbands car turning the corner and coming down the street.  Around the time that hubby comes home, both Maisie and Tess start becoming more alert and in tune with people arriving home from the work day.  Right at the time that his car turns the corner, both of them begin racing back and forth from the front door to the back door, never knowing which one he'll appear at, so it's a continuous back and forth with the two of them to see which one of them will greet him first.


Maisie's another one that can wake up from a sound sleep if a cabinet or refrigerator door opens.  However, don't even think about waking her from her sleep if there's nothing important going on.....we get the grouch from hell!

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Love these comments!  All three pups still know the comings and goings of the Camry.

Took me a while, but I know these signs as well.

I sure am lonely.  (My fault.)

Max and Nelly

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