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Autumn & Lola

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Today Nick and I had some paperwork spread all over the floor while we discussed and pointed at facts and figures. Lola, being the very helpful gal she is, decided to be a doggie paperweight. She plopped herself in the middle of the pile, then proceed to change position so that she held down each paper we wanted to look at. She thought it was a game - we'd point at a paper, and she'd plop on it so we couldn't read it.


When I used to make those no-sew, tie fleece blankets, Molly would always plop herself in the middle of them while I was cutting and tying. She'd wiggle around, giving her opinion to the softness of the fleece I had chosen.


So what projects do your dogs help with by lying in the middle of it? ;)




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Keira loves to help forl clothes Has to inspect each and all of them. She also love to insspet the her Daddy is reading

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Please forgive mispelled words and mistakes.s Am having a lot of problems with my eyes. Have to go to a retinal annd corne doc next week.

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Jock used to love diving under the clean sheets as we were making the beds up. Rosie now has taken over the job ten fold! It doesn't help that we are laughing our heads off... It just seems to encourage her to grab the sheets the pillows and make it impossible to make up the bed. We could close the door but really how much fun would that be!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Please forgive mispelled words and mistakes.s Am having a lot of problems with my eyes. Have to go to a retinal annd corne doc next week.


Boy oh boy do I identify with that!  I think I'm still hoodwinked by having had monovision lasik in 1999.

Just looks different is all.

Max and Nelly

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Oh, didn't address the primary topic.  When I was first learning Calculus I was severely, severely stupid.  (Not really,

just uninformed and uneducated.)  My first semester at U of MD I spent time doing exercizes with my book open

on one side, and my answer key positioned on the other side.  Well, Holdsworth (departed late 2000), made it

his mission to sit on the answer key while I was doing exercizes.  I remember many times asking him to

"get off my answer key".  (In my defence, that's how I learned Calculus...making stupid mistakes, looking at the

answer key, and then going back through the steps...many times if necessary until I got it.)

I actually became a rabid fan of Calculus, and analysis methods beyond that.


So I maintain Holdsworth, by becoming a paperweight, ensured I learned Calculus by playing his part.


I love you Holdsworth.


Mommy Beas'

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Max and Nelly

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Any type of fabric on the floor is immediately anchored by either Buffy or Ziggy, especially if I want to pick it up.  Buffy will roll over and look at me as if to say "But I'm *comfortable* here mom!"  I have dragged towels across the floor with dogs still on top of them.


I think Lola was trying to tell you that you had been over those numbers long enough. :D

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Oban "pre-washes" all the dishes we put into the dishwasher. And he makes sure I don't have to share the comfy loveseat in the TV room by stretching out next to me filling all available space.

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Typical cairn thing.  Demps always plops in the middle of whatever I am doing, but really loves it when I am on the floor with cards.  I have a card box and when there is a wedding, birthday or lately a lot of funerals I go to the card box and sit on the floor.  Dempsy seems to listen for this and when he hears that door open to the card box he always comes and sits in the middle of my spread out cards.  He likes to help me pick the perfect card. :)  Stinker.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Every night, as I stay up late watching TV in the living room, Ruffy takes himself into the bedroom and goes to sleep in the middle of my bed. When I turn off the TV and go to the bedroom, I have to push, pull, roll and shift Ruffy, who remains asleep, limp as a dishrag, while I attempt to work around him as I turn down the bedding, top sheet, arrange pillows, etc. with Ruffy in the bed all the while. He lets out a few annoyed, grumpy low protests, but only wakes up when I finally climb into bed. Then he expresses his displeasure with a vigorous body-shake, hops down and heads for the living room that I just vacated, so he can sleep undisturbed by me!

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Angus has trained me not to leave things on the floor. If it's laundry he takes it and puts carefully away in his place of choice for chewing later when I'm not watching. 

Dishwashers are just the right height for cairn cleaning.

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Idaho Cairns

Two areas--Bonnie and Sammi are constant tasting consultants in the kitchen during any cooking and Bonnie has adopted the role of "The Interactive Alarm Clock" and believes it is her job to wake me (not the wife) in the morning by licking any exposed flesh around my arms, hands, and shoulders, breathing hard in my ear, and, as a last resort, depositing a stuffed toy on my head in hopes I will either hide it under the covers for her to "mine" or toss it across the room for her to chase!  She is very annoying in this role BTW.

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