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Lure Coursing and Barn Hunt was a big hit!


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Last night we got home after a fun-filled time at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds in Redmond, OR for the dog show. The temperatures were way too hot so we didn't go to any of the conformation shows to watch the other cairn terriers compete. We did go to the Lure Coursing with Fiona and Fearghus while Frankie stayed in the cool A/C of the RV. Both Fiona and Fearghus had a grand time chasing the lures. Our new friend took a video of Fiona chasing it. You'll notice that she employs the death screech method of running.




Fearghus also had a good run, but then he didn't want to be caught afterwards. Finally had him by the collar and just as I was trying to attach the leash the next dog went running after the lures. Well wouldn't you know it but Fearghus slipped through my fingers and joined in the chase. We caught him the second time and put him in a travel crate over in Brad's EZ-up shade shelter. Want to guess what happened when the next lure started? Anyone? Yep, that little Houdini crashed through the crate door and took off running. I heard people say a dog was loose. I looked up and said, Oh it's a cairn. Then I looked down and noticed that the crate door was opened. Oh NO! It's Fearghus! After that time we caught him and took him to the car while Steve held him and waited for me to cool down and bring Fiona. Nothing like a little cairn chase in 100 degree temperature to get the heart going. LOL


Both dogs got a chance to meet a rat at the Rat N Go but I had only signed up Fiona for the Instinct class of Barn Hunt. She chose the live rat right away but I wasn't sure so I let her sniff again before I recognized her signal and cried "Rat!" Next time we'll sign up Fearghus for it too. What fun!


So if ever you have an opportunity to sign your dog up for some of these events, go for it. It's a blast seeing cairns do what they were bred to do.


(Sorry, we didn't get a video of Fearghus or of the barn hunt.)

Edited by Tami
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Oh ho ho!! I loved the "Oh it's a Cairn" response and you noticing it was Fearghus!!! I heard it was so hot down in Redmond!  Glad you had a wonderful time.  I was wondering if it is an enclosed area so the dogs won't run away...Pepper is really excited to try coursing but it has to be closer to home!!!

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Pepper's Mom

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Nope, not an enclosed area at all Pepper's Mom. It's in a big field. But there were lots of people around and Fearghus managed to finally come back to us. He tends to be very happy to go walk-a-bout and only returns when he's good and ready to do so. My only consolation is that Fearghus wasn't the only dog to do the running around. Next time I think I'll bring the super good treats to lure him back to us. LOL

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Fiona had a blast!  That's the famous yip that Elsie has during her chases.  It looked & sounds like a lot of fun & excitement for all. :)

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Looks like you had a grand time!  Thanks for sharing the video of Fiona.  She's addicted to lure coursing now!

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