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Tess saves the fledgling.


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After a baby Wren fledged and landed on our stockade fence, I went over to it to try to help it on it's way, something I never usually do, I prefer to let nature take it's course.  But she/he stayed on the fence peeping for the longest time so I decided to try and help it on it's way.  When I got close to the bird, it attempted to fly but hit the ground.  Maisie sees the bird fall and runs like the wind across the yard toward the fledgling.  I cried out for her to stop and then Tess took notice and ran toward Maisie, cut her off and had her on her back in a matter of seconds.  



Do you think she knew that this fledgling was in trouble?  I have my doubts on whether Maisie was running toward the bird to play with it.....I thought the fledgling was toast.  


Tess does surprise me at times, I use to think that she had a high prey drive but she's been proving me wrong a lot lately.  I was walking her the other morning when a baby bunny came out of some shrubs....Tess jumped when the bushes rustled but once she saw it was a small bunny, she kept walking, she didn't even raise an eyebrow!  


I find both Tess and Maisie are maturing, although Maisie still has a ways to go.  She tends to jump up a lot lately, trying to initiate play and then runs when I try to reprimand her and don't try to wake her up for any reason whatsoever when she's sleeping or she starts to grumble and groan, she's such a little grouch.  She keeps us laughing though....gets away with a lot because she's so cute.. :)

Edited by LindaMC
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Our Cairn children know when other species are in trouble.  Inside my house, gerbils, parakeets, the rabbit and

kitty are safe.


We have some grumble-pusses in our house too, right Teddy Bear?


Loved hearing about Tess's protective moves.


Tara, Mom of Many Species

Max and Nelly

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When Tess got close to Maisie, Maisie started to run, so that took her out of the immediate area so I could block the bird and shoo it toward an area at the fence where she could get under (thankfully none of the neighbor's dogs were in their yard) so she was able to get away safe.  All the while this was happening, either the mother or father bird was squawking up in one of the Crab-apple trees, so hopefully they took over the situation from there and coached the fledgling in to flying.  


Yes, I would have hated to see Maisie chow down on the fledgling, the little thing had been poking its head out of the birdhouse for the last few days looking as if she was ready to fledge but I think she was scared.  She was the only fledgling in this nesting.

Edited by LindaMC
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It is also possible Tess stopped Maisie because she was correcting her.  You had told Maisie to stop, so Tess made sure she stopped.  We find that this happens with Buffy and Ziggy sometimes too.


Glad to hear the fledgling escaped!

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It is also possible Tess stopped Maisie because she was correcting her.  You had told Maisie to stop, so Tess made sure she stopped.  We find that this happens with Buffy and Ziggy sometimes too.


Glad to hear the fledgling escaped!


Kelly corrects Prissy the same way. 

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Tess is such a good dog. I'm surprised Maisie let Tess stop her. Cairns usually don't let anything get in their way. Tess saved the little bird, good for her.

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It is also possible Tess stopped Maisie because she was correcting her.  You had told Maisie to stop, so Tess made sure she stopped.  We find that this happens with Buffy and Ziggy sometimes too.


Glad to hear the fledgling escaped!


This could very well be, she has corrected her in the past after I have asked Maisie to stop doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing.  Maisie usually lets Tess know that she isn't at all pleased with being corrected.  She becomes pretty vocal in displaying her dismay.... :ermm:   It's all we can do to keep from laughing out loud, especially when she's trying to be so serious.

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