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Puppy Training

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My puppy has had a tough start to life.  A few days after we got her she got sick. Since then it has been vet visits every few days, and lots of meds. One of the medicine she was on actually makes her urinate a lot. Initially she was good about going on the puppy pads but since the meds started its gone downhill.


I live in an apartment complex and refused to take her out as she was unvaccinated and more importantly some of the meds were suppressing her immune system. We were asked not to let her out. Anyways she is doing much better and she finally was well enough to get her first round of shots today! I was so happy. She is however over 12 weeks now. So as you can imagine, we are way behind. I am going to sign her up for a puppy class to start in two weeks.


Things are looking up but I am worried about house training. Im still not comfortable in letting her out as there are other dogs in the building. One is Westie (never on a leash) and the others are all big including a pitt bull. While people will judge me, its been a rough month with her. I do not want her to go through any more. 


I also understand that going from inside the house to going outside may be a challenge when I finally do take her out (confusing for the pup). I just feel this may be the best option for now. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it right with her. I tried the turf but she just jumped on it and started playing and chewing on it. The puppy pads work better for her but only if she doesnt sneak off to go on the carpet. Also, If I crate her she will hold it forever. Once taken out she will not go until she's comfortable. I didn't even think it was possible for young puppies to hold it that long (poop included). Leashes will not work, I think she feels the added pressure. Everything with her becomes a game.


I hope someone can help set me on the right track. I wrote a really long thread. I appreciate all and any help!


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