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That hair in his eyes


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Fuzz is starting to grow those long eyebrows with bits that kind of hang over his eyes. I hear people talking about how they trim the hair near the eyes but the idea of bringing a sharp pointy tool near his eyes when he probably won't sit still anyhow really worries me.

Anybody know any tricks for doing this? Or can the hairs be left alone?

Taffy, Reuben, Annie, Moondoggie, Lexie, Walter, Joey, Tonto, Earl, Beebo, Fuzz, Mr Bean.  And a whole bunch of cats.

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I got a great tip from Idaho Cairns in a similar thread, and got a pair of nose hair scissors. They are small, blunt but effective. Much easier to trim around the eyes now. Thanks Idaho!

(I do hold his muzzle firmly with my left hand while trimming with my right)

Edited by Islander
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I pull 'em out when they get long. Have Angus sit. Hold his muzzle say "let me see" and quick pull. Say "good boy" and give him a treat.If there's not too many I can do it all at once. Otherwise do it over a few days.I usually wait till the hairs are really long because then they come out easily.He doesn't like it but I have been working on his grooming since he was a baby and he is used to me fiddling around with his hair and ears and mouth etc.

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I use rounded tip scissors for anything near the eye.  She still doesn't like a shiny metal thing coming towards her face so I try to do it as quickly as possible.

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How wicked!

Taffy, Reuben, Annie, Moondoggie, Lexie, Walter, Joey, Tonto, Earl, Beebo, Fuzz, Mr Bean.  And a whole bunch of cats.

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Often some nice quality blunt-nose scissors can be found anywhere sewing supplies or material is found.  I've been using that type for years now, since they're easier to find than good cutting safety scissors.  Also have a great pair of 'hair grooming' Fiskar's kids scissors.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm pretty late in responding to this but haven't been online for some time.  I purchased a couple of pairs of rounded tip scissors. I think they are supposed to be used to groom nose hairs!  Anyway, I have Sammy sit or lay down, kind of hold the hair with my first two fingers of my left hand sideways like a pair of scissors and then head in with my actual scissors in right hand and snip away. Having my hand there keeps the cut hair from getting into his eyes.  Sometimes I don't hold it because he wont allow it so I kind of wing it by holding his head and then snipping. I don't like a blunt cut to his hair so I go in directly at him like a hairdresser would so rather than snipping horizontally straight across you are snipping with the scissors vertically.  It snips a kind of choppy look because the scissors blades are slightly curved rather than straight but just the same still cuts it shorter.  You can judge too which you want to snip and adjust as you go along.  Gives him that shaggy look that I like but gets the hair out of his eyes.  When his hair from the top of his nose is growing into his eyes I have him lay down, put my hand on his head to steady him and gently heading to the inner portion of his eyes snip toward his nose. You kind of have to either stand above him and behind him to do that and that works well too. it's a weird angle to try from the front looking directly at him.  Hate when his hair grows into his eyes more than the "eye brows".  Hope this helps and my description wasn't too convoluted.  Hard to describe unless you see someone do it. 

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