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Older male getting ornery, crotchety


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the bonds with cairns are particularly strong --they put us through a lot, and the give a lot. they have unbelievable insight into people and once they settle down they are the best buddies in the world. 

yes, one of my blind dogs had a contraption like sanford describes and it can be very helpful. one of my dogs was annoyed by it and destroyed it, but the other didn't mind. makes a lot of sense and at least outside the house it can save a lot of trouble. blind dogs do not get signals from other dogs like the stink-eye or a curled lip, and the angel guard can prevent a lot of social misunderstanding and consequence trouble when socializing with other dogs.

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if he shows signs of arthritis (your description of him trying to shake a frisbee made me wonder), there are supplements that might work very well. glucomsamine (if he shows no signs of diabetes), chondritin, vitamin e and b are usually the ingredients. they have done wonders with some of my pets and with some others didn't quite cut it. for severe cases, you can do a on-off cycle with prednisone or some other corticoid. if you want to get more holistic, many people have had good results from massage and accupuncture (a supririsng number of vets do it or or can refer).  it makes a big difference. mickey can be comfortable and happy and concentrate on the things that really matter to him (like you!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just skimmed some of the discussion.  My Shadow (gone since 2002) got crotchety in his old age, even after having cataract surgery.  Once when it was time to go to bed, and he had a chewy in his mouth, I tried to take it out and he bit me on the left index finger (about age 14).  The wound got infected and had to be treated in the emergency room.  The treating physician insisted that he had to report a dog bite to "the authorities" as a matter of law.  I eventually talked him out of it, explaining my old boy just didn't feel like going to bed at the time.  I still look at that scar and think of my baby boy, Shadow.

Max and Nelly

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