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Peaceful morning

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Waiting for the crop adjuster to come. Baking some goodies. Radio is playing country Christmas music. My little Demps is in his favorite position with kitty. He will spend hours here. When it's fairly nice out I leave the door open and Demps enjoys the sun rays and the company of his little furry buddy, kitty. The morning is one of those simple, peaceful, content, heartwarming mornings - one to cherish. I so wish I could give this secure feeling to all. Snapped some pic of Demps in his favorite spot - oh, and another perk of this spot is the great view he has to keep tabs on dad while he's feeding cattle. Demps tells him how to do it every time he goes by.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Your description certainly provided a peaceful feeling here. I just love it when dogs and cats are buddies. My cat, Simba, loves

all three Cairns, but the bunny rabbit, BigWig, is his favorite pal!

Max and Nelly


Cairns do add to the Christmas cheer or to the general cheer most days. We have them zonked out on the couch or laying in the sun most days--very quiet and still with just a few obligatory growls and barks to hold back all the real or imagined threats to their home--squirrels, birds, or the deer herd that wanders the area. No cats tho--I'm afraid my two would not brook a cat outside the door as peacefully as Demps--they have long ago decided that cats were just too much fun to try and intimidate and chase. No mutual sharing of space with felines around these parts with these two Cairns--no communing with the enemy. Still, it is fun to have dogs around the house--it adds so much to our lives. Enjoyed your moment Lori.

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