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Snow sled race

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Ha Ha that was great! So glad Sassy is back to... well, being Sassy. :twisted:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Sassy that was awesome - you really gave dad a run for his money! So glad your feeling good enough for a sled race! If that old snowball hadn't of caught up with you you would of won hands down. Thanks for the giggle. :)

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Loved it! You are one talented Cairn, Sassy!


That was fun!



That was a great video. Sassy you are too cute.


Hey, Dad, weren't you playing dirty there a couple times? :devil: Loved this video! Good work Sassy!

Max and Nelly


Hey, Dad, weren't you playing dirty there a couple times? :devil: Loved this video! Good work Sassy!

I sent this link to my husband who agrees Dad was playing dirty! However, he said that with

qualifications, i.e., there's no other way he could get the edge on a Cairn Terrier. :)

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Max and Nelly

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