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Kelly took my seat!

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I had been stripping some of Kelly's fur yesterday and I had to give her a bath because of poo on her bottom. She was mad at me and was snubbing me. I was setting on the couch with my laptop and she decides to jump up there too but sat on the opposite side of the couch as far as she could get from me. It was like she was snubbing me and taunting me at the same time, and she was facing the opposite direction I was in. haha I was reading this forum and decided to get up and get a drink. As soon as I started walking to the kitchen she runs to my side of the couch put her paws on the track pad and looked as if she was using the computer herself. My kids laughed so hard and my oldest snapped a picture, of course she moved a little and faced the camera but still cute anyway.post-5242-0-34760800-1354743142_thumb.jp

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Cute, very cute.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005




Kelly - Nice laptop! E-mail me!



Too cute. Just make sure you're not logged into Amazon or Petsmart when you get up... all of a sudden you'll be getting boxes of dog toys and bully sticks delivered to your door!

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Kelly wanted to tell us that she was mad at you. Cute pic. She has a beautiful coat.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



This is why we love our cairns!!!!!


Kelly obviously wanted to put her feelings on the Forum!

She is a bonny looking girl.


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