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Glad I'm Not Alone!

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Omigoodness, just seeing those words in the subhead to this topic, "You are not alone" are comforting. I'm new to the forum, new to Cairn Terriers and raising my beautiful boy, Bello, a 4 1/2-month-old Cairn. He really is a smart puppy and definitely is getting far better at not peeing in his crate, but we still have our moments and I sometimes feel like it's never going to end! I'm glad to find this forum. :) Will post more soon (must take Bello out for his walk!), but hi and thanks for being there! I'll also try to post pictures as soon as I figure it out. I see there's a help section for that.


Welcome to you and Bello! This is a great forum and sure has helped me raise my 14 month old Angus. There's always support and comfort when you have questions or when you little darling :) becomes a little :devil: which they all do or they wouldn't be cairns!

Looking forward to seeing pics.


Also welcome! Bello is precious. I can only say that terrier puppies are a delete and a nightmare. But suddenly when they grow up and puppyhood is gone we wish those times back. Lots of great information and suggestions on this forum. :)

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


  • 2 months later...

  1. Make certain you have the correct size kennel/crate. If it is TOO large, the dog will use part of it for going to the bathroom.  Sometimes, you need to start off with a small kennel, then upgrade as the puppy grows.   Also, remember that a puppy under 6 months of age does not have a mature bladder.  He LITERALLY cannot hold his urine for more than 4 hours.  Like caring for a human baby, this will probably necessitate taking your puppy out for a middle of the night walk, till he can hold it 7-8 hours at around six months of age.

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