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Help people not to give pets as presents


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Horrible people. They should be sent to the pound. :(


I don't even have to read. Don't even know how to deal with it.

Humans can be really horrible to non-humans. It hurts me to my core.

I guess we have one another for comfort.

(P.S. - have read a lot of these recounts lately, my emotional mailbox is full.)


Max and Nelly


Makes me love my pooches more, if that's possible. But it is good to get the word out that pets don't make good surprise gifts - careful thought, consideration will make a forever home. Unfortunately people need this education - I wish they didn't.

As for these scummy people that traffic ... I can't type what I am thinking. We have the naive stupid people and then we have our intentional nasty people.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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