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Incident at Barktoberfest


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People in this part of the country are pretty much "Leave it to Beaver" types--kinda like going back to the 50's in terms of how they handle things. I guess I've been blessed in that regard. Owners are pretty quick to either correct or remove overly aggressive dogs.

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You are lucky Idaho! It must be the cold weather up here that makes people stupid :)

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I too like the umbrella idea. Demps loves the big dog side of the dog park - are trouble makers are the little dogs.? Love the video ... as usual. Is that Bonnie looking the Dane in the face and Sammi that sniffs and decides to lay down on her belly to watch TV, throwing her feet out behind her. Love your dogs - if you ever need a dog sitter in SD just let us know.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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No, it is Sammi that first tells the Gladiator off for invading her space and then Bonnie has to come to her sister's rescue and run a diss on the bigger dog--saying "I will completely ignore your great big lumbering self and not even acknowledge that you are looming over me!". Lori, my dogs would love your place--they have been waiting a long time to tell some cows off since their Dad won't let them do it on their walks here and I know they would be all over those Gator rides in the fields! However the cats would have to stand their ground or it would be "Yippie Ki Aaaay!" time for my two--nothing appeals as much as a fleeing terrorized cat to these two.

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Wow. I'd be shaken up after something like this too. Hope by now you and Taz have calmed and put the event behind you. Glad you are both ok.

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I've had some really close calls this year or so I've had Addie. It drives me nuts the number of unsocialised and aggressive dogs that people will bring out in public - and especially to events with lots of other dogs.

Our local pool has a dog event at the end of every summer to close the pool. Last summer, Addie (leashed) bounded over to a German Shepherd (unleashed) and I pulled tighter on her leash to keep her close. As we walked by (at a distance) the owner goes something like "Good thing you grabbed her, my dog hates small dogs and would have attacked." He was grinning too, like he was proud his dog was mean. I just kept wondering why on earth you'd bring a mean dog to a public event and then not leash your dog.

A few months ago I was at Petsmart, waiting at the checkout. This man with a Husky kept moving closer and closer to Addie. I was irritated because I had almost no space to stand, but livid when his dog lunged and tried to bite Addie! Luckily Addie was in front of me and I have quick reflexes because I grabbed Addie's harness and lifted her on the counter. It's a wonder the dog didn't take a chunk out of my leg. Things like that happen enough at Petsmart that I either avoid it, go without Addie, or go during unusual hours. Which is ridiculous, since I have a friendly dog.

I understand to some extent in parks and such if you have a hostile dog on a leash, because your dog needs exercise. But I'd also prefer them muzzled if they're they aggressive.

I do not at all understand why people in my area repeatedly bring their horrifically aggressive dogs into places like Petsmart. Or when they let their dogs run unleashed in public areas.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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I've had some really close calls this year or so I've had Addie. It drives me nuts the number of unsocialised and aggressive dogs that people will bring out in public - and especially to events with lots of other dogs.

Our local pool has a dog event at the end of every summer to close the pool. Last summer, Addie (leashed) bounded over to a German Shepherd (unleashed) and I pulled tighter on her leash to keep her close. As we walked by (at a distance) the owner goes something like "Good thing you grabbed her, my dog hates small dogs and would have attacked." He was grinning too, like he was proud his dog was mean. I just kept wondering why on earth you'd bring a mean dog to a public event and then not leash your dog.

A few months ago I was at Petsmart, waiting at the checkout. This man with a Husky kept moving closer and closer to Addie. I was irritated because I had almost no space to stand, but livid when his dog lunged and tried to bite Addie! Luckily Addie was in front of me and I have quick reflexes because I grabbed Addie's harness and lifted her on the counter. It's a wonder the dog didn't take a chunk out of my leg. Things like that happen enough at Petsmart that I either avoid it, go without Addie, or go during unusual hours. Which is ridiculous, since I have a friendly dog.

I understand to some extent in parks and such if you have a hostile dog on a leash, because your dog needs exercise. But I'd also prefer them muzzled if they're they aggressive.

I do not at all understand why people in my area repeatedly bring their horrifically aggressive dogs into places like Petsmart. Or when they let their dogs run unleashed in public areas.

Rofl... if I was I walking with you, i'd probably go off on that freak dude and tell him to keep his dirty mouth shut. Glad you and addie got away safety, if you have a husband or no, or a brother or a grandson or son, bring them next time... also bring pepper spray with you just incase, trust me.

Like I said, I would of flipped out on that dude, you don't deserve to be talked down like that, especially poor addie... that guy is a nutball.

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