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Hogan in Acadia

Liz in PA

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I managed to take the photo before I fainted from the shock...

...of telling Hogan to "sit over there" and him actually doing it! And NOT looking like he was being tortured! It only took 9 years, proof that they DO learn!



Gorgeous picture! You and Hogan did well!


Hogan is too cute!



Love the pic. I like the little white around Hogan's eyes. :) Good boy Hogan!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



What a wonderful picture, The vedio was great. I sometimes have trouble viewing vedios because my connection is slow but yours worked. I love the rocks and the ocean, where was that taken? It reminds me of Northern Ca. but I know you are on the east coast

Idaho Cairns

Love the video. What a natural place for a Cairn! Cairns love the rocks and crevasses and just seem to take to them naturally and I'm betting those sea smells were really exciting for Hogan. I enjoy watching Cairns going about their business on those short little legs! Thanks.


This was Hogan's 5th trip to Acadia Natinal Park in Maine. He loves it as much as we do, and cleanly enjoys clambering over rocks even more than the flat parts of the hikes.

I'm so glad the link works! I did a few more videos on our trip of Hogan that I"ll post later.


Hogan looks as if he is really enjoying his rock scramble! Lovely place by the looks of it.



Great video. Hogan is a true rock scrambler!


Thumbs up on both the pic and the video. You're a lucky boy, Hogan! (And you may want to give Layla a call. She's a cute little Cairn who happens to live in Maine . . . :whistle: )


I had to grab this photo from my phone. I have never seen Hogan lie this flat, but this was after a few hours of hiking to the top of a mountain. The sun DID feel really good up there on that cool day.



Hogan is adorable!!! I love the how he's lighter around the eyes. What a cutie!

Jo, Jagger & Eddie


Idaho Cairns

The old chill the belly routine!


What a handsome happy man.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


The video was beautiful - great place for some cairn fun!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Oh I loved that video! Where exactly is that at? I would love to go there someday!

Laughing so hard at the belly on the rocks. Kelly lays that way all the time, if she gets hot outside when we come in she will lay that way in front of her water bowl while drinking.

Hogan is so cute.


Love the pictures and video of Hogan. He is so cute, especially resting on the rock!


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