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Site problems?


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Has the site been having problems? A few times visiting the site the site is completely down. Sometimes it's just the forums, other times is the entire cairnterrier.org domain.

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)


Yep, I noticed that we went "off the air" just as I left for dinner. We are on shared hosting (meaning: cheap) and our web server does have down time now and again. When that happens it will take down the main site, the forum, and our member site. There isn't really anything I can do other than wait it out.

If it looks like it's going to be long-term (many hours or days) and the web host has said what's going on (sometimes it's something like a hardware issue, or a denial-of-service attack) I'll post up a note on a twitter feed (twitter.com/ctca), but for most outages I don't do anything but wait it out ... impatiently.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Thanks Bradl for the explaination. I'll join the impatient waiting crowd during those times. :)

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)


Thanks to both of you. I was wondering about it myself. We have had trouble with our internet because of the storms and flood I wasn't sure if it was us.


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