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Dempsy's Mom

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Just a clip of another encounter and then we wrap up on a happier note with Dempsy on his hayride. Dempsy likes hayrides.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


Idaho Cairns

Lori, I am getting a "404 Not Found" message and no photos.


OK - for some reason my paste isn't working. I used the control c and control v to paste and it worked. Hmmmm.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Worked fine for me...please tell me you took him somewhere and released him....I could never farm for a living ....nothing would ever die and I would be eating a lot of turnip!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



I love Dempsy's windblown look!!!

(Raccoon's can be vicious little critters on a farm and can wipe out a chicken coop in a matter of a couple of hours. Notice his little arms? They don't have much fur on them, probably from reaching into fences and pulling out chickens or other yummy bits.)


Dempsy is so cute when surrounded by that hay. And was he trying to take credit for capturing the critter? He looked awfully proud. :P


OK - I took it somewhere and released it. :confused:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I understand your situation, Lori. As much as I love nature and all of its critters I know that they can be devilish monsters on a farm - ruining crops, killing farm animals and spreading disease. And, with natural predators becoming fewer as time goes on, it's left to humans to control them. You've gotta do what you've gotta do.


Eww, is that a racoon? Good job finding it and trapping it! those things can carry rabies and if a cairn get's a hold of one, could transfer to poor dempsy, you're an awesome mother for your dog, great video.

also kudo's for releasing it in the wild somewhere else.

man dempsy was drooling like a boss!! Man oh man he wanted to sick em!!

my dog fonzy would love that farm you have, I bet dempsy is in heaven lol fonzy only has a backyard :(

Click to show the full size image!


Thanks for sharing. Great video

Idaho Cairns

Demps was smart enough to stay away from that critter, a lot of dogs wouldn't with nasty results. I do love Coons but they are destructive animals, carry rabies, and dangerous for dogs--any dogs.


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