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Good act Jock!

Sam I Am

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Jock had a discharge in one of his eyes I didn't like the look of..it wasn't the usual morning crusties so off to the vet today. She put drops in his one eye, which turned green..very freaky to look at, to see if there was a scratch or ulcer. All looked well except he has a slight infection from dust or allergies, she checked his recent dental work opening his mouth wide, feeling his back as he is a bit stiff on one back leg....he was the perfect Cairn. Sitting still, not a whimper, a snarl or a stink eye. I said to my vet to be careful because Jock can get grumpy quickly if you go near his face with the intention to do something ( he became weird that way after having five teeth removed as a four year old and worse since the last dental surgery). Again the perfect gentleman.

So off we went home with eye drops . I went to put the drops in his eye and I got the snarly face as he dashed under the table. It took two of us to put in the drops!! It's like children that visit friends and are little angels , but turn into hellions when they get home. Good thing I adore the little monkey:)

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



So typical! Buffy is the same way at the vet - little Miss Congeniality - but fights like the dickens when we try to do something to her at home.


I think stainless steel tables and people in white lab coats have a calming effect for all my pets.


Haha. Isn't that the truth?! Just like kids - make a fool out of ya. :)

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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