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Jack DeWitt


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Jack has so much history and accomplishment in Cairns (and in his other breed WFT) that I'm not worthy to even begin to recite it. I'll stick with my own limited, but overwhelmingly positive experience of Jack as a fixture - always with a camera and some friendly words - at every CTCA national sweeps I ever attended. After sweeps, at the host hotel in the evening, Jack would usually have a laptop running with a slideshow of the beautiful, sharp shots that he'd take.

When we first got a show dog I was back to my home state of Massachusetts for business and it happened to be a show weekend at the Eastern States Exposition, so I stopped in and met Jack and Susan - our Haggis was sired by their Pinetop Paperchase. Learning that I had a Chase boy, they invited me to come to their home that very evening to meet him. I could not as I had family obligations, so instead they brought Chase to the show the next day so I could meet him and put my hands on him. So very thoughtful.

Below is a photo I took of Jack at the 2008 specialty, and at the 2007 sweepstakes. Leaning against a tent pole or leaning on his camera monopod ... I will miss Jack's presence at these glorious Cairn gatherings. I read a proposal this evening to dedicate this year's sweepstakes to Jack -- who was the sweepstakes secretary and photographer for so many years -- and nothing could be as appropriate.



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Brad, I am so sorry for your (and the Cairn world's) loss. You have some wonderful pictures of Jack that I know his family will cherish.

I will be keeping his family and friends in my prayers.



Brad, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and a great lover of Cairns.


There's always an empty place when a friend and person special to a breed leaves us.

I'm sure a wonderful body of his work is left.

Honoring him with the sweepstakes dedication is a wonderful way to remember all he did for Cairns.


What wonderful pictures, Brad. They really capture Jack's spirit.



Sorry for your personal loss, as well as the loss in the Cairn Terrier community.

Max and Nelly

Idaho Cairns

Sounds like a neat fellow. Condolences Brad.


I am sorry for your loss,and the Cairn community's loss. Really great pictures of Jack.


So sorry Brad..loosing a friend and someone that gave so much too the Cairn community no doubt will be very much missed.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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